[sparkscoffee] Fun Fact

  • From: "John J. Miller" <seaspark@xxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:29:26 -0500

In my Mgr. days I hired two Russian techs., just off the boat.

In their first visit to an American S/Market , they were amazed at the aisle full of pet food.

What I really wanted to write about; One fellow was a senior member in his union and he had the task of being in charge of a local public voting place. What the papers and TV wanted wasn't who was ahead, (Everyone knew who would win), but what per cent of the people registered had voted. It was kind of a competition between districts, one would report by 10AM 87% voted , another had 92% voted, etc. He said by two PM they would fill in the ballots and enter them with the names of the missing voters so that they had 100% voted.

And yes they did have persons watching so that any ballot "Mismarked" could be ID'd.



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