[sparkscoffee] Diatribe

  • From: "John J. Miller" <seaspark@xxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 16:15:39 -0500

Makes sense why the Greeks coined the word dia-tribe.

1. Churchill, who was quite knowledgeable about government, said " It is said that Democracy is the worst form of government except for all of the others that have been tried". Also quoted as "Democracy isn't perfect, but show me something better".

2. Myself and many Christian brothers want to remember the Holocaust so that it is not forgotten and never happens again. Any person who has known survivors and/or camp liberators believes. I have seen the pictures of German townspeople who were forced to walk through the camps after the liberation. I recall seeing the movies taken secretly, (With personal 8MM camera), by an Army photographer, showing Dachau, (I believe), where the U.S. GIs shot German SS guards trying to hide in the prisoner clothing, after being pointed out by prisoners, on the spot, no questions asked. Certainly not "Politically correct" but understandable seeing the situation. (Maybe the guards had lice) ? I never saw that program repeated. Prisoners ? Why were there any prisoners ?

J J Miller

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