[smee] Tah dah

  • From: Barry H <volleyne1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 11:06:03 -0700 (PDT)

Well, first things first........Darqrain is now the
proud new owner of:

Nature Walkers Scimitar   
Damage: 20
Delay: 30 
Str: +15 Sta: +15 Wis: +20 Magic Resist: +10 Fire
Resist: +10 Cold Resist: +10 Poison Resist: +10
Disease Resist: +10 HP: +10 Mana: +90 

Finished epic today with help from a few friends.  Had
a total of 9 folks for the battle (5 of which were
62+) and we had zero deaths.

On the bank:

- Agreed folks should be able to donate any items or
plat that they want to.

- Agreed no requirements for donations outside of SMEE
sessions sould be placed on people.

- The % of the SMEE cut that goes to the bank... well,
I am open to any percentage that everyone can agree
upon.  However something to keep in mind, folks have
expenses and should get some money from the smee

-  Key statement "Once we begin pooling money like
this, I'd like to make sure that no one is being left
behind either because they don't realize they have
lesser gear or because they feel unworthy of help."

- If we do this, everyone will have to be active in
providing details on what items they are interested
in/need.  We will probably have to have everyone give
a top five list of things they need.....then we should
also consider top list of things that will serve smee
the best.  Also, consider looking up those items that
maybe smee can pursue via adventuring vs buying.

- Tae, what items do we need to collect to finish off
cultural armor pieces that you want?  There are now
two types of cultural/diety armor for Karana
worshipers....Stormrider and Thundrous
Heraldric.....let us know what pieces you are looking

- Savor, we need same details.  Blessed Full

- Getting epic pieces is defintely high on the list. 
Even though we dont yet have much in SMEE bank, I will
gladly help as needed....specially for Flue's epic
since he is only one piece away.  Also high on our
list should be mounts for our clerics and secondary
healers.  Savor and Icbar should be tops for getting

- Casters and hybrids (nice for pure melee too) that
dont have Earring of the Solstice need to speak up,
that is also a high priority item.

If you are not sure what gear you want and need a
place to look them up.  go to http://eq.crgaming.com/
there is no membership and you can go to your class to
look up specific gear.

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