[smartdoctor] US Physicians Suffer More Burnout Than Other Workers

  • From: aleksandar ljubotina <alexandar_ljubotina@xxxxxxxxx>
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  • Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 12:59:44 -0700 (PDT)

From Medscape Medical News > Psychiatry 
US Physicians Suffer More Burnout Than Other Workers
Pam Harrison
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August 22, 2012 — Physicians in the United States suffer from more burnout than 
other workers in the United States, new research shows.
A national survey of more than 7000 US physicians reveals that close to one 
half report having at least 1 symptom of burnout.
"The fact that almost 1 in 2 US physicians has symptoms of burnout implies that 
the origins of this problem are rooted in the environment and care delivery 
system rather than in the personal characteristics of a few susceptible 
"Policy makers and health care organizations must address the problem of 
physician burnout for the sake of physicians and their patients," the authors, 
led by Tait D. Shanafelt, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, write.
The survey findings were published online August 20 in the Archives of Internal 
First National Study 
Extensive data on physician burnout have been published, but to the 
investigators' knowledge, no national study has yet evaluated rates of burnout 
among US physicians or explored differences in burnout by specialty.
Burnout among US physicians has also not been previously compared with burnout 
among US workers in other fields. Dr. Shanafelt and colleagues therefore 
conducted a national study of burnout among physicians from all specialties 
using the American Medical Association Physician Masterfile.
Responses from 7288 physicians were compared with those of a sample of 3442 
working adults from the general population.
As assessed by the Maslach Burnout Inventory, 37.9% of surveyed physicians 
exhibited high levels of emotional exhaustion, and 29.4% showed evidence of a 
high level of depersonalization. In addition, 12.4% had a low sense of personal 
Taken together, investigators found that 45.8% of physicians were experiencing 
at least 1 symptom of burnout, based on a high emotional exhaustion score or a 
high depersonalization score. More than 6000 of the physicians surveyed were 
also compared with 3442 control participants who were working in the United 
States but not as physicians.
On burnout measures, physicians were more likely to have signs of emotional 
exhaustion compared with population control participants (32.1% vs 23.5%), 
depersonalization (19.4% vs 15%), and overall burnout (37.9% vs 27.8%; P < .001 
for all comparisons).
Comparison of Employed MDs and Employed US Population 
  Physicians (n = 6179)  Population Control Participants (n = 3442)  
Emotional exhaustion: high score 32.1% 23.5% (P < .001) 
Depersonalization: high score 19.4% 15% (P < .001) 
Burned out 37.9% 27.8% (P < .001) 
Satisfaction with work-life balance ("work schedule does not leave enough time 
for my personal or family life") 40.1% 23.1% (P < .001) 
Burnout by Specialty 
"Substantial" differences in burnout were also observed among different 
Burnout rates were highest among physicians on the front line of care access, 
including family medicine, general internal medicine, and emergency medicine. 
It was lowest among pathologists, dermatologists, general pediatricians, and 
those practicing preventive medicine.
Differences between specialties were also documented with regard to 
satisfaction with work-life balance. Again, those practicing dermatology, 
general pediatrics, and preventive medicine had the highest rates for 
satisfaction with work-life balance, whereas those practicing general surgery, 
general surgery subspecialties, and obstetrics/gynecology had the lowest rates.
Dissatisfaction with work-life balance was also slightly higher among female 
physicians than among their male counterparts, whereas it was similar for men 
and women among control participants in the US population. Unlike fields 
outside of medicine, in which higher levels of education and professional 
degrees seem to reduce the risk for burnout, having a degree in medicine 
increased the risk, the investigators add.
On multivariate analysis, the number of hours worked per week was associated 
with a higher probability of burnout, whereas being older and being married 
were both significantly associated with a lower overall risk.
"Two consistent factors that seem to be driving burnout are lack of control or 
autonomy and loss of meaning in what physicians do," coinvestigator Colin West, 
MD, PhD, who is also from the Mayo Clinic, told Medscape Medical News. 
For example, respondents cited indirect clinical tasks as getting in the way of 
the physician-patient relationship — forms to fill out, dictation, endless 
paperwork — "all of which take a heavy toll that has gotten heavier in the past 
10 years," Dr. West added.
"We don't have a good understanding of what is leading to the loss of meaning," 
he noted. But clearly, physicians who lose sight of the ideals that propelled 
them into medicine in the first place are the ones "at great risk" for being 
dissatisfied, he noted.
"Patients say they are dissatisfied because physicians spend so little time 
with them, but beyond the face-to-face visit, the reality is that there are so 
many other tasks that must be taken care of, and physicians have to get them 
done," Dr. West said.
"We don't yet know whether coming healthcare reforms will make this better or 
worse, but regardless of what shape healthcare reforms end up taking, there 
will be increased demand on frontline providers, which is the very group we've 
identified as being under the most strain already, so we have to be mindful of 
future risks," said Dr. West.
Charles Balch, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, 
told Medscape Medical News that results from this survey of physicians from a 
variety of specialties are the same as what has been found in multiple surveys 
of surgeons.
"It's clear that physicians of all specialities do incur stress that is 
inherent to their profession, and some have a higher level of stress and 
burnout than others," he said. For example, in their survey of surgeons, they 
found that levels of stress were slightly higher for surgeons in private 
practice, but the stressors were different from those in academia.
"Part of the message from this survey is that physicians and the groups they 
work for, including hospitals, need to be proactive for mitigating the risk of 
burnout and its adverse consequences, including drug and alcohol use, early 
retirement, medical errors, malpractice, and so forth. So physicians need to 
take care of themselves and address their personal health needs, especially 
those at the higher end of stress and burnout, and be proactive about their 
Funding for the study was provided by the American Medical Association and by 
the Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine Program on Physician Well-Being. The 
authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships. 
Arch Intern Med. Published online August 20, 2012. Full article 
Authors and Disclosures
Pam Harrison
Pam Harrison is a freelance writer for Medscape.

Pam Harrison has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

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