[slikom] Re: daisy

  • From: Zlatko Sobočan <sobocan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:23:31 +0100

    Pozdrav svima!

Kako bi svi razumijeli o kakvom projektu i suradnji se radi, Gradimirovu 
temu nadopunjujem clankom iz danasnjih novina.

Lijep pozdrav,

Microsoft razvija prevodenje dokumenata za slijepe osobe

Nov nacin spremanja datoteka koji ce omoguciti pretvorbu u audio format 
ocekuje se u ozujku

MICROSOFT i Neprofitni konzorcij DAISY (Digital Accessible Information 
System - jedini ce raditi na informatickom rjesenju za slijepe i osobe koje 
ne mogu pisati ili citati - na plugin-u, koji ce pretvarati dokument iz 
Microsoft Vorda u digitalni audio standard.

Besplatni plug-in

Te dvije organizacije jucer su izjavile da je cilj njihove suradnje 
stvaranje besplatnog plug-ina koji ce se moci skinuti s interne ta i 
omoguciti pretvorbu dokumenata temeljenih na Open XML-u, osnovnom nacinu 
spremanja dokumenata u Microsoft Officeu 2007, u DAISY XML. DAISY XML 
datoteka se zatim moze obraditi kako bi stvarala digitalne audio ili neke 
druge formate.

Ocekuje se da ce taj plug-in biti dostupan vec 1. ozujka 2008.

Otvoreni projekt

Plug-in bi trebao funkcionirati sa svim Wordovim dokumentima ra-denim u 
Officeu XP, Officeu 2003 i najnovijem Officeu 2007.

Microsoft bi trebao voditi projekt, no on je planiran kao otvoreni proces te 
se ocekuju prijedlozi i primjedbe korisnika nakon lansiranja beta verzije.

DAISY okuplja clanice iz cijeloga svijeta, medu njima i Sluzbu za slijepe i 
fizicki hendikepirane Nacionalne knjiznice SAD-a, Španjolsku nacionalnu 
organizaciju za slijepe i Korejsku Braille knjiznicu.

Microsoft je lobirao da se njegov Open XML format prihvati kao medunarodni 
standard, cime bi se pojednostavilo njegovo sire prihvacanje u javnim 
sluzbama. Medutim, nisu uspjeli dobiti potrebnu vecinu clanova Medunarodne 
organizacije za standardizaciju (ISO) kada su glasovali u rujnu, djelomicno 
zbog zabrinutosti da format nije uistinu otvoren, vec daje rijec o triku da 
se pridobiju i zadrze korisnici.

Druga sansa

clanovi ISO-a opet ce se sastati u veljaci i ponovno raspravljati o Open XML 
formatu, sto Microsoftu daje vremena za pridobivanje potrebni glasova.

    Tekst preuzet iz METRO EXPRESS"

----- Originalna poruka ----- 
Šalje: "Gradimir Kragic" <bastono@xxxxxxxx>
Prima: "Lista SliKom" <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Poslano: 15. studeni 2007 16:52
Predmet: [slikom] daisy

     Zdravo svima,

     Ovo je poruka posebno za one koji se interesuju ili će se interesovati 
"DAISY" format i uopšte za DAISY rješenja. Među programerima, posebno među 
juče i danas se ovo komentariše kao zanimljiva najava. Tekst je na Engleskom
jeziku a tu je i nekoliko linkova. Za one koji ne znaju za DAISY da  kažem u
jednoj rečenici to je format za audio ali i druge knjige. Uz JAWS novijih
verzija dobijate FS DAISY player a i fajlove za help u istom DAISY formatu.


Open XML to DAISY XML Translator

13 November 07 08:39 AM

announced today
 a project to create a "save as DAISY" plug-in for Word that will be 
as a free download on

DAISY (Digital Access Information SYstem) is a standard for digital talking
books (DTBs). DAISY-encoded DTBs include content that can range from XML 
only, to text with corresponding spoken audio, to audio with little or no 
and they're designed to make print material accessible and navigable for
blind or otherwise print-disabled persons. (Print-disabled is a term used in 
accessibility community to describe persons who are unable to read print
due to any visual, physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive, or 

A good way to get a feel for what DAISY is designed to accomplish is to 
out the
prioritized feature list for DTB playback devices
 referenced by the
DTB specification
. DAISY uses several W3C specifications and also takes advantage of 
from the Open eBook Forum, and the resulting documents can be used with any
DAISY playback device.

The DAISY Standard has been adopted throughout the world by libraries and
organizations producing and distributing accessible reading materials. So 
new plug-in, which will be available in early 2008, will allow those
organizations to save any Open XML word-processing document in DAISY XML 
a "DTBook." the benefits of this capability are explained in the DAISY 

block quote
Everyone who uses desktop publishing to create content in Word will be able 
save this content as DAISY XML. As content creators will not need to be 
or XML experts to use this converter, the number of DAISY publications 
increase substantially. Individuals who have a print disability will thus
have access to a greater number and much wider choice of reading and 
block quote end

George Kerscher, secretary general of the DAISY Consortium, explains the 
translator plug-in project
this way:

block quote
“Microsoft’s announcement is monumental in greatly facilitating the 
of text in DAISY books. It provides a clear, production path for 
and universities who will be able to use the Microsoft plug-in to move into
DAISY XML. Putting tools in the hands of people who create content is a 
step toward creating equal access to information ... It’s going to move 
... from the niche of the libraries for the blind community into the

block quote end

For Open XML developers, the DAISY project will also offer a sample Open XML
implementation that will demonstrate best practices for Open XML 
One of the goals of the project is to provide a reference model for other 
XML solution providers, and the project on
 will make the architectural details available for developers to study. As 
project progresses, I'll be covering some of the more interesting technical
details here, as examples of how Open XML content can be transformed for a 
variety of output devices.

Microsoft press release:

The Daisy Planet, Daisy's monthly newsletter:

Quotes from the DAISY community:


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