[slikom] Sa drugih lista

  • From: "Gradimir Kragic" <bastono@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Lista SliKom" <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:02:49 +0100


Ovo je takode poruka na Engleskom jeziku. Moze biti zanimljiva, posebno 
programerima sa ove liste. Za njih ne bih trebalo da postoji problem da ovo 


If you had an accessible freehand drawing tool what features would you like 
to see in it?  I've very recently finsished a prototype freehand drawing 
tool that allows a blind person to explore, create, and modify diagrams 
using haptic I/O, which is similar to tactile diagrams.  This piece of 
software does *NOT* make a diagram accessible through speech, either 
through the use of a screen reader or by self-voicing, and I have no 
intention of making it do so.

The software has a limited set of features at the moment.  It uses a single 
pen to draw, which is in the form of a freeform line, and only works with 
black and white images; However, it has several advantages, namely, it uses 
the standard bitmap format and is allows for blind and sighted individuals 
to collaborate on drawing tasks together.  The software has several 
features designed to enable this integrated collaborative approach: 
networking that allows many people to collaborate together and a visual, as 
well as a haptic, user interface, both of which can be used separately or 
in combination.

One feature I'm thinking of investigating is incorperating support for the 
Mimeo range of electronic whiteboards.  My hope in investigating this is 
that including this, if possible, could really improve integration for 
blind students in a mainstream learning environment.

At the moment this is only a research prototype, but your ideas are 
welcome.  I'm hopefully going to begin making this publically available 
next year.  The main reason for this delay in availability is that haptic 
hardware is still very expensive; however, this is planned to change next 
year with the release of some low cost haptic devices.  As usual, this is a 
spare time project and the timline may slip on my part.

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