[SKRIVA] Om Fantastiknovelltävlingen på engelska

  • From: Ahrvid <ahrvid@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "skriva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <skriva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 14:18:31 +0200

(Gjorde ett litet resultatutlysande också på engelska. Att sprida info om
tävlingen är en stor del av tävlingsarbetet. --AE)

The 16th Fantastic Short Story Contest

The Fantastic Short Story Competion ("Fantastiknovelltävlingen", in Swedish)
has been running yearly since the year 2000, and is dedicated to stories of
science fiction, fantasy and horror. It is probably Sweden's oldest at present;
at least one short story contest that used to be older has folded.

This year the contest received 117 entries, and the jury decided to
distribute the prize money of 2000 Swedish crowns (just under €200) to the
following three winners. Titles given in Swedish with English translations and
some comments from the jury are added:

First prize: "Bläcklingar" ("Inklings") by Fredrik Stennek. "A fine tale in
the succession of HC Andersen... A portrait of a society collapsing under
censorship and oppression...but humour and longing for freedom is bigger. It
raises questions of freedom of the press and freedom of opinion".

Second prize: "Hon" ("She") by Eva Ullerud. "A wonderfully creepy story...
When the threat is close, really close, it easily becomes invisible, but even

Third prize: "Götheborg" ("Gothenburg") av Dennis Jacobsson. "An alternate
history explaining why the ship Götheborg went under in the 1700's. The
atmosphere is as thick as the wool in the woolen clothes of the characters, the
danger as tangible as the smell of gunpowder on gundeck, and the curiousity of
the reader picks up wind."

Five stories - By Jonas Bengtsson, Emanuel Blume, Lisa Hågensen, Hanna
Kristoffersson and Jens Mattsson - also recieved honourary mentions by the
jury, consisting of the sf/f authors Niklas Krog, Pia Lindestrand and Karolina
Bjällerstedt Mickos. All stories were judged without author identification.
Several of earlier stories from the Fantastic Short Story Contest have been
translated and published abroad - if you're interested, contact

Organiser is the writers' E-mail list SKRIVA (Yours Truly as administrator)
supported by the Short Story Masters ("Novellmästarna") group, and prizes were
sponsored by SF Bokhandeln bookstore, the magazine Skriva, the publishers Wela
and Zenzat. The next contest, open for entries in Swedish, will be announced in
the spring 2016.


ahrvid@xxxxxxxxxxx / Follow @SFJournalen on Twitter for the latest news in
short form! / Gå med i SKRIVA - för författande, sf, fantasy, kultur
(skriva-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, subj: subscribe) och förbered dig för
FANTASTIKNOVELLTÄVLINGEN 2016, info www.skriva.bravewriting.com / Om Ahrvids
novellsamling Mord på månen: http://zenzat.wordpress.com/bocker C Fuglesang:
"stor förnöjelse...jättebra historier i mycket sannolik framtidsmiljö"! /Nu som
ljudbok: http://elib.se/ebook_detail.asp?id_type=ISBN&id=9186081462 / Läs även
AE i nya E-antologin Mellan tid och rum
SKRIVA - sf, fantasy och skräck * Äldsta svenska skrivarlistan
grundad 1997 * Info http://www.skriva.bravewriting.com eller skriva-
request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx för listkommandon (ex subject: subscribe).

Other related posts:

  • » [SKRIVA] Om Fantastiknovelltävlingen på engelska - Ahrvid