[ SHOWGSD-L ] Re: Futurity/Maturity?

  • From: Celeste <cherpa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "gsdworkingline@xxxxxxxxx" <gsdworkingline@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 08:30:41 -0700

.A lot of people didn't think segregation was a problem either in our history.

Don't think we can compare segregation and amateur futurity system


On Sep 13, 2015, at 8:10 AM, gsdworkingline@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi! I respect your opinion even though I do not agree with it! Thank you for
sharing your thoughts and you are absolutely entitled to your opinion!!

But, I think for old timers in the breed to say...that is the way it has
always been done or I had to go through the misery of showing against the
best in the breed and so should you is disheartening to new members!

Just because things have always been done a certain way doesn't mean that it
is the BEST way for the current circumstances. The old way is NOT working.
For every GSD owner I meet that is s GSDCA member, I meet 10 who are not.

Membership is declining? Again....Why? What can we do to think outside the

One can look at it either as a lower of the standard or instead simply the
need to become more inclusive to help the club grow. Times change....A lot of
people didn't think segregation was a problem either in our history. Just
because things exist for s long time doesn't mean it is right.

Why change? What is the purpose? The purpose it serves is to help ALL GSD
lovers want to become members of GSDCA. What is in it for them? Clearly, the
current system is broken. They don't want to waste their money so they must
not perceive a return for their investment. Membership and show numbers are
declining. The system is broken and we can either try to fix it or let it
continue to die a slow death.

Not every idea will work but we have to try SOMETHING!! We can't just keep
going like it has always been. It is not working....

Sarah Minsk-Eduardo
Von Whitehall German Shepherds
"Preserving the classic
German Shepherd Dog"
Member of GSDCA and Signer of Breeders Code of Ethics

On Sep 13, 2015, at 10:51 AM, (Redacted sender "ELG440@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
<dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have made it clear, I don't like the amateur futurity idea at all. But,
some people I admire such as Joannie and Carole think it is important so I
seldom post on it.

However, let me express my position.

If you are going to compete, do so with those you need to win over. To
lower the bar, so someone can win, does nothing but give less meaning to the
competition. This was pointed out last week by someone asking to find
someone else to show for her in amateur futurity classes.

I am all for anything that give people a way to enjoy the sport. But, I
didn't like the OFA class at the national. I don't much care for the long
coat classes. And, I see no real purpose of the amateur classes.

When I started to handle, I went against the big handlers, and that is how I
learned, (assuming I learned anything).

It is here, and I support those who enjoy it. But, I don't believe it serves
a valid purpose, other than to just give more ribbons. Maybe that is enough.

Evan L.Ginsburg
Click here: GSD Youth Recognition Fund
Click here: Welcome to Asgard's German Shepherds

In a message dated 9/13/2015 5:39:01 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
gsdworkingline@xxxxxxxxx writes:
I plan on entering in the Amateur Futurity when the time comes but I have
two questions?

Does anyone else, besides myself, think that the Amateur classes should
be Amateur Owner classes? I feel like more people might participate if it
was Amateur owner. Or, maybe the culture of showing our breed is too far
gone down the professional handler path and it wouldn't matter....This, I
cannot say.

Also, why are Reserves given out at the "Regular" Futurity but not at the
Amateur one? That doesn't seem fair.

Lastly, I also don't like the use of the word "Regular" as a division as it
makes it seem like the Amateur division is somehow irregular or inferior! I
would make a suggestion to change the name to the Open division.

I know these things probably don't seem like a big deal to most people but I
think it could send a more inclusive message with these changes....thoughts?

Sarah Minsk-Eduardo
Von Whitehall German Shepherds
"Preserving the classic
German Shepherd Dog"
Member of GSDCA and Signer of Breeders Code of Ethics


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