[seadog] Tanker Bertora Calls Mayday

  • From: "Tom Blanchard" <tomblanchard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "SEADOG" <seadog@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 13:40:06 -0500

At approximately 10 p.m. on Monday, December 23, the Aberdeen Coastguard
were alerted by the oil platform Marnock of a Mayday broadcast from the
motor tanker Bertora.

The 55,756-grt vessel, which measures 230 m, was located approximately 130
miles east of Peterhead when its engines failed.

The vessel's master broadcast a distress call on the distress frequency,
which was ultimately received by the rig standby vessel Viking Protector,
which then relayed the call to the oil platform - contacting the Aberdeen

Upon examination, it was deemed that the cause of the engine failure was the
result of a safety pin in the oil fuel line that had failed and cut off all
fuel to the engine. Once this was determined, and the problem rectified, the
vessel is now continuing its passage to the Pierce oilfield from Rotterdam.

It should be noted that this vessel was recently in the news as a notable
offshore delivery of a single screw shuttle tanker completed this spring in
South Korea on behalf of Bergshav/Navion. Her engines are a customised
installation consisted of a retractable, azimuthing thruster which were
supposed to ensure that the shuttle tanker complies with DP Class 2
requirements, whilst also providing a take-home/redundant propulsion
capability R2S+.

A safety pin?....

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  • » [seadog] Tanker Bertora Calls Mayday