[sanesecurity] Re: SaneSecurity rsync mirror settings request

  • From: Gerard <gerard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sanesecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:07:22 -0500

On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 10:23:03 -0800
Bill Landry <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I currently use -rtz (not sure why you opt not to support compression
>if allowed by the mirror host site?), and would like to add -c
>(checksum testing) to add absolute confirmation of file change before
>downloading, rather than relying on file size and timestamp, which
>have proven to be unreliable.

I have no idea why you are having problems with 'file size/time';
however, I am trying to set up some easy method of monitoring it to see
if I am experiencing it also. Specifically, what protocol are you using
to confirm this problem?

As far as the [-z] option, from the man page:

       -z, --compress
              With  this  option, rsync compresses the file data as it
       is sent to the destination machine, which reduces  the  amount
       of  data being  transmitted  -- something that is useful over a
       slow connection.

I am not sure how many users are effected by this. Maybe I will make it
a configurable option and let the end user decide. I am updating the
logging function, so I might as well add that to the TODO list.

As far as the [-u] switch; I have never experienced a problem. If it
ain't broke, why fix it?



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