[sac-forum] Asterisms data from Saguaro Astronomy Club

  • From: "Steve Coe" <stevecoe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <amastro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:37:00 -0700

 Howdy all;


After some searching I have "completed" a listing of asterisms around the
sky.  It includes over 80 objects of a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
Some are as familiar as the Summer Triangle and the Teapot of Sagittarius;
while others are much more esoteric.  


It has been a fun project putting it all together.  I went out this weekend
and spend some time observing objects on the list and found that there were
a couple that were really interesting.  I had a moderately long line of
folks to look at the "Little Queen" in Draco and the "Swoosh" at the border
of Scutum and Aquila, using my 4" RFT refractor.  So, they don't take a big
scope or really dark skies to enjoy.


The link is at the SAC web site:  www.saguaroastro.org


Once you are on the downloads page, scroll down to "Asterisms" and there is
a link for downloading the zipped file.  It contains the three forms I have
been distributing recently:  Excel file, text file with the columns
separated by a vertical "fence" and a comma separated variable (QCQ for
Quote Comma Quote) format that can be imported into a wide variety of
programs.  There is a small documentation text file included.


Please don't download version 7.50 of the deep sky database, I had some
problems with that and am in the middle of correcting them.  I think I will
be ready for another release in about a month.  Thanks for your patience.


Enjoy, and if you know of another asterism without an NGC or Messier number,
let me know and I can fit it into the next release.



Steve Coe

Other related posts:

  • » [sac-forum] Asterisms data from Saguaro Astronomy Club