[sac-board] SAC Meeting Minutes: 2011/10/7

  • From: Paul Dickson <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: SAC-Board <sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 00:05:46 -0700

SAC Meeting Minutes: 2011/10/7

Chris Hanrahan started the meeting at 1929.  There were two guest that
introduced themselves: Lynn and Brian.

Mitch gave a quick treasurer's report.  We have $4100+.

Rogier Windhorst gave at 35 minute unscheduled talk about the James
Webb Space Telescope.  This was a follow up from him talk at our
meeting from the previous October.  He had a few more newer HST images,
some that were just released and completed his JWST coverage.
Recapping, the HST was a conceived in the 1970's, built in the 80', and
operated 1990-2014.  The JWST conceived in 1996, with a planned
operation of 2018-2023 (possibly until 2029).  Rogier provided the PDF
of his presentation that should be added to the club's website.

The JWST's 6.5m mirror is 2.5x bigger the the HST mirror.  It will have
the same resolution in near-IR as HST has in optical range.

The Arizona Museum of Natural History has an HST exhibit until January.

Claude Haynes reminded us of the All Arizona Star Party coming up on
October 28-29 at the Antennas Site.  Friday night at 6 PM is potluck.

There are some School Star Parties coming up.  See announcements in the
SAC-Forum mailing list.  If you are not receiving the E-mail or have
deleted the message see:  //www.freelists.org/archive/sac-forum/

We started the nominations for club officers.  We have Chris Hanrahan
who can continue.  We had Ken Naiff nominated but he wasn't there to
decline.  We still need officers for Vice President and Secretary and
both Tom and Paul have reached the end of their maximum of two
consecutive year terms.  Our Treasurer Mitch Prause, has served 2 and
2/3 years and can continue.  We may also need a Properties Director as

Steve Dodder invited new people to novice group sessions.  He reminded
us of the Grand Canyon Star Party at the north rim.  The dates are June

The break started at 2031 and restarted at 2051 with Chris Hanrahan
introducing our guest speaker, Tom Polakis.

Tom's talk was about Atacama Astronomy - Where the Sky is Rarely
Cloudy.  This was Tom's 7th trip south of the equator.  He went to
Chile this time were there are infrequent clouds, good transparency,
good seeing, dark, and access to both north and south hemispheres.
Chile, along the est coast of South America, is due south of Boston.
It's 2600 miles long and 125 miles wide.

The major observatories are Cerro Tololo 1965, La Silla 1969, Las
Campanas 1971, Cerro Paranal 1998, Cerro Pachon 2000, Chajnantor 2005,
and Cerro Armazones in 2016.

The meetings ended at 2153.  There were 39 people attending.  22 of
which went to JBs.


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  • » [sac-board] SAC Meeting Minutes: 2011/10/7 - Paul Dickson