[rurallife] Newsletter - last call!

  • From: Chris Shepheard <chris.shepheard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "rurallife@freelists org" <rurallife@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:50:28 +0000

Thanks to those that have put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard!) I now have 
quite a few items to include in Rustic 69* plus a couple more "on the way".

Today was deadline day but I can still accept more contributions for the next 
few days. Particularly helpful would be some shortish items about what you've 
been doing at the museum, favourite items from the collection or your own rural 
memories. Even better if you have an illustration to accompany your words.

A good subject would be your involvement with clearing and moving the cycle 

I look forward to seeing your contributions.


* February's newsletter will be issue 69 and I've personally edited all of them 
since the start in 1990. Now, I think, is the time for somebody else to come 
forward with a view to taking on the editor's task. If you're interested in 
finding out what is involved please let me know and I'll gladly show you the 
ropes with a few to handing over the task in the not too distant future.

Chris Shepheard - from the Kindle

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  • » [rurallife] Newsletter - last call! - Chris Shepheard