[rsc] Re: RSC/C/APP history

  • From: Hope Clark <hopeclark@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rsc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 07:57:52 -0400

Wow... Kathie, Thanks.
That gives me a much better sense of place, time and space.

On Sep 18, 2009, at 7:20 AM, Kathie de Nobriga wrote:

Please add Sheila Gaskings <sgasmask@xxxxxxx> to the RSC list.

Also attached is an old document I found which may prove interesting history. Not completely vetted by everyone who was there who's still around....

Sheila Gaskins
1.  Describe a specific community arts project you were involved in.
I participated in an original play called Belongings. It is a play about immigrants coming to Highlandtown in Baltimore. It was cast by original community members and professional actors. It's impact on the community was very effective --- a lot of dialogue and great memories. It provided the original residents an opportunity to meet the new residents.It gave the original residents that lived in that community who were white, a chance, an opportunity to fellowship with some of the newer residents who were immigrants- African, Asian, Latinos and came from other parts of the country. You were introduced to different cultures,languages, music, food and customs. And you walked away with a new imprint of the struggle and strain of the nation's Immigrant problems.

2. What are your Guiding Principles as an artist working in community?
Art changes things --- I mean, anything, when given the opportunity.
never under estimate the power of a small dedicated group of people, because they can change the world.- margaret meade

3.  What do you want to learn?
I want to learn about communities and how I can effectively serve them.
I want to learn about people's differences and celebrate them.
I want to be able to help community create art in some of the most devastating circumstances.

4.  What do you know and can share?
Theatre of the Oppressed Techniques and the ability to speak in front of a large audience. The ability to be able to laugh at one's self because laughter is healing.
A sense of honesty and integrity and of course humor.

5.  Why are you interested in joining RSC?
I am interested in RSC because I have committed myself to uplifting communities and everyone through the arts and otherwise. I have a history of doing this work way before I knew what it was called and I will continue to do this work for a long time and I would like to do this work with like-minded folk. RSC Rocks!

<History of RSC=CAPP.doc>

Hope Clark


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  • » [rsc] Re: RSC/C/APP history - Hope Clark