[rollei_list] Re: light leak repair

  • From: Shannon Stoney <sstoney@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 08:12:07 -0500

You are correct, I forgot that. But if it is just the door he may consider it.
There is also Paul Ebel in Wisconsin and I believe Ross Yerkes in LA also works on them.
I do remember my friend taking his tele-Rollei to a person in Mountain View, CA that was a Rollei guy and worked for Rollei but in Rhodesia. I believe he was of Indian descent. I should check.
Maybe we can put a list of people together that repair Rolleis and post it on our Rollei Users page.

I think Paul Ebel worked on this camera before, when I first bought it. Do you have his phone number or email address? I have misplaced it.

I think there was a list like that of rollei repair people about a year ago on the internet somewhere that included the people you menion above, but I couldn't find it yesterday.


Peter K

On 10/2/05, Eric G. <<mailto:egoldste@xxxxxxxxx>egoldste@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Peter K. wrote:

 Where are you located? There is Harry Fleenor in California as well. If
 yo uhave a late 30s, and the back is not bad, Harry or someone can
 repair it. Sounds like a light leak from a lousy seal. What I suggest if
 try on more roll and electrical tape the seams completely. Then see if
 there is not a light leak. If not, then your back need adjustment.
 Can you notice any bends in it?

Peter K

Last I checked with Harry, he didn't work on the pre-war cameras...

Eric Goldstein --- Rollei List

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-- Peter K Ó¿Õ¬

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