[rollei_list] Re: O.T. Handy Digital Uses

  • From: "Robert Lilley" <54moggie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 08:59:41 -0400

I did exactly this a few years ago - held the camera under my SU HS2
carburetors to get their undersides and let the auto-focus do the deed.
However, on several tries I got nothing - a blank black shot.  I couldn't
figure it out why till I looked closely at the little lens on my Neeekon
CoolPix.  Right in the middle of the lens was a drop of dirty oil that must
have landed there on the first try.  The drop of oil told me more than the
subsequent pictures did. 




----- Original Message ----- 

From: Don Williams <mailto:dwilli10@xxxxxxx>  

To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 4:49 AM

Subject: [rollei_list] O.T. Handy Digital Uses


These little pocket digital cameras have more applications than just taking
pictures for showing someone else.

Ever own a car that was so low you couldn't get a look under it?  Just take
one of these little pocket digitals and set it for close or very-close
focusing (usually the symbol is a flower) and hold it under the car pointing
it towards your shock or universal joint, and take pictures until you get
one that shows the problem, or that you don't have a problem.




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