[rollei_list] Digital Camera Woes Solved!

  • From: Marc James Small <msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 13:23:56 -0400

Rollei told me that the d41 would work flawlessly with Windows XP, as XP had the internal drivers, but I found no joy there. Many of you had suggested that I just pick up a card reader. So, this morning, I traipse five or six miles to the nearest Circuit City, where I doofussed around the computer section, trying to find someone to ask but there were some married couples ahead of me who had both done a LOT of comparison shopping and who were arguing every price quoted to them. So, I waited for twenty minutes or so when I had a sudden inspiration -- it was sort of a comic-book experience, with the light bulb appearing in the conversation balloon. Bam! Doh! The card readers were NOT in the computer section but in the digital camera section. Five minutes later, I exited the store with a $17 GE CF/MD reader.

It worked absolutely flawlessly, once I had switched it from a dud USB port (the next time the case is open, I'll try to figure THAT one out) to a good one. I was able to download all of an accumulation of 16 months of photos onto my computer. I then scrubbed the CF card using the camera for that.

Thank you, helpful people. I didn't even know these device existed. And $17 saves me the $250 or so a new camera would run me.



Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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  • » [rollei_list] Digital Camera Woes Solved!