[rollei_list] Re: Back to Photoshop

  • From: Don Williams <dwilli10@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 11:33:29 -0600

At 11:56 PM 3/1/2010, Mark Talbot Rabiner wrote:
Photoshop is not a world its  a galaxy.
There are not hundreds but thousands of websites people have up for love extolling their latest tweaks supplying you with free macros and workarounds. Kids don't go out and play on the swings and play ball anymore they're inside the school computer room not playing computer games but playing with Photoshop. So If you are having problems with Photoshop just ask your kids. Or rent one. I never had any but I did have a copy of Photoshop about the minute it came out and was up all night playing with it from the very beginning. So my photographer friends would always call me up at two in the morning. Before the internet even. Yet to learn 90 percent of what you really need to know about making your image dark or light enough and with proper contrast and color balance that would take 20 minutes if you were paying attention. Which we Geezers never do.

And there are hundreds of books on it. You could open a whole bookstore with nothing but Photoshop books in it. Me like to get books I'd always get Photoshop Bible by Deke Mcclelland of every version 50 bucks with a Cd but he's made too many millions and he's bored. So no more. He gets my attention because on every page there is some humor. And its got 600 pages. Enough to get you through any complicated quagmire you ever get yourself into Photoshop wise.. No matter how
technical.  Its like we're pioneers its an exciting time to be in photography.

Mark Talbot Rabiner

Sorry, I won't mention Photoshop or Elements again.

Me like to get books also. I just thought the one I mentioned was particularly good. I've use Elements since, I think, Version 2 with relatively good success.


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