[rollei_list] Re: A New Book

  • From: Jerry Lehrer <glehrer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 14:08:51 -0800


During several of my trips to Europe, I accumulated several dozen slides which could be titled EUROPEAN TARTS. They are photos of very tasty looking European girls, ladies or whatever is the PC word for them. My wife would kill me if I thought to publish them.

In all frankness I must say that the most beautiful were the girls from Iceland.

Jerry Lehrer

On 12/10/2012 11:08 AM, Marc James Small wrote:
One of our noted List members, T Mike Fletcher, called me the other day and mentioned that his wife had written a book which he told me was titled , EUROPEAN PASTRIES. He got that wrong, and, boys, keep your zippers zipped. It is EUROPEAN TARTS by Helen Fletcher and is available as a POD (publish on demand) through Amazon. Helen could not obtain a proper photographer, so T. Mike had to pick up the slack. I ordered a copy for my wife as a Christmas present and will undoubtedly grimace at the horrid photography once it arrives. He probably shot the tarts with a Ha$$elblad or, even worse, with some Nikon digital. <shudder> The book is inexpensive and most of the recipes do not involve much, if any, cooking. I hold Helen in high regard for having stuck with Mike for all these years. The woman deserves praise for that. Mike is an impossible man. I spent an hour one time driving him across Philadelphia. Well, in his defense, he does appreciate Zeiss lenses, old and new.


It is a good world for doing good deeds.
-- Nathaniel the Faun

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