[rodgersorgan] Re: pipes vs electronics

  • From: Bruce Wagner <bjwagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 12:29:08 -0500

Here's my 2 cents worth - the COST.  Not only the initial cost of the 
pipes, etc. but also the continual up keep on the instrument.  Sure if 
you have all kinds of "bucks" sitting around - go ahead and put them 
into a pipe organ.  But I have the need to balance the need of expensive 
pipes and  the a true mission/purpose of a church.  I know I'm now in 
trouble with this - but should we as churches/synogogues/etc. be 
concerned about our fellow human beings.  I know of one very rich 
individual that said he would donate all the money to a pipe organ but 
would not give a dime to the missions - because he would not be able to 
see what he got for his money.  Also "Pipe organs" have become a "status 
symbol".  "Our pipe organ is bigger, newer, (you fill in the rest) than 
yours".  If we are about status - then maybe we should go back (as 
Christians) to the new testament when the brothers we asking for who 
could sit closer to Christ in heaven.  His message - not about status - 
but how does what you do make you a servant to drawing people closer to 
our God.  Amen - so be it - and I hope I didn't step on too many toes.

Ralph Cullen wrote:

>It is Petersons.
>I have had discussions with Scott Peterson and raised the hybrid issue. He 
>is very respectful of Rodgers, but points out, and rightly so I guess, that 
>Rodgers supplement Digital with Pipes, while Petersons Supplement Pipes 
>with Digital: Like, an odd rank for Bass extension or a Digital 32' Reed 
>etc where space or / and cost prohibit the real thing.
>Question: At what mix, does it cease to be a Pipe organ supplemented with 
>Digital, and become a Digital Organ augmented by Pipes. !???
>We had one installation that was quoted for interfacing a puipe organ with 
>the new Riodgers and when the Chapel heard the Rodgers installed and going, 
>they said: "Why spoil this wonderful sound with our old pipe organ?" They 
>quickly got a buyer for the pipes and made some more space for storage!
>Rodgers Organs, New Zealand.
>At 11:38 AM 4/27/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>>Based on the DNS records at the InterNic, it's likely to be Peterson, as 
>>handling the e-mail:
>>Default Server:  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
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