[rodgersorgan] Re: Rodgers Oegan Sound Library and Paraphrases I & II

  • From: CJBakers@xxxxxxx
  • To: rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 20:22:34 -0400

I agree Noel, Hector should be well compensated.  However, I get the feeling 
from my dealings with my Rodgers representative that he is not compensated per 
sale (I am deducing this, I have not been told.)  It is my guess he has paid 
for the work and possibly a little more for each one sold.  I base this on the 
fact that I asked for the SOL before the purchase of my 577 was complete.  I 
did not threaten to pull the order, but as with a new car (where haggling is 
expected) I asked for a deep discount on this "option."  I got a DEEP discount 
without too much fuss.  Now I may have cost my dealer $500, but with the market 
so tight and margins so small (again another assumption because there was not 
much wiggle room in the organ price) I am assuming that the dealer didn't 
simply eat the loss.

I could be wrong though.  Again, before you walk away from this wonderful 
resource because you think you can't afford it, TALK TO YOUR DEALER.

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