[roc-chat] ROCstock 36 Launch Announcement

  • From: Gregory Lyzenga <lyzenga@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: roc-chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, roc-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 16:11:55 -0700

Fellow ROC Members,

This is a slightly earlier than usual reminder that ROCstock 36 starts *next* 
Saturday, November 10, 2012, and runs through Sunday, November 11.  
Night flying will be conducted (weather permitting) Saturday night after dark.
Night launch rockets must have light(s) that are clearly visible from
launch until landing.

The ROC Trailer will be on-site on Friday morning for setup.  
If you're planning to camp out at ROCstock, please come
out early, and help with setup!  Many hands make light work, and we should
be able to set everything up in an hour or two if we have enough people
assisting.  If you've never done it before, don't be shy!  We'll be happy
to show you the ropes, and it's a great way to get to know your fellow
ROCers.  On top of that, John Wahlquist will be leading an advance crew on 
to lay out and stripe the parking and range areas.  Please consider coming out
on Thursday if you can to help John with this necessary job.

Volunteers are always needed to work shifts of Range Duty.  Again, don't be
shy!  We're happy to help you learn, and the same thing I said about
helping with setup still holds true: volunteering is a GREAT way to get to
know your fellow ROCers!  (And please stick around on Sunday afternoon to
help with tear-down, too.)  Sign up NOW for range duty shifts on our on-line
signup form:


As always, camping is allowed and encouraged.  Per BLM rules, all campfires
must be in above-ground containers, and you should plan to haul out all of
your wood debris and ashes when you leave.

A note about camping and parking:  In the interest of safety and ensuring
easy access in and out, please keep the designated roads clear when you
choose your parking and/or camping spot.  We'll have three 50' deep rows of
parking/camping areas laid out, with 50' wide roads between them.  It's a
big lakebed -- feel free to spead out.  Anyone parked or camped in an
access road will be asked to move.  We need to be sure that people can get
in and out easily, and we don't want people to have to worry about vehicles
driving through the middle of their camps.  This year we will be supplying a 
few 3 cubic yard trash dumpsters to help keep our launch area tidy and keep the
BLM happy.  Please do not abuse these!  While reasonable amounts of incidental
trash can go in these, please be a good citizen and do not fill them up with 
items you should and could be packing out with you.  (For example, that EZ-Up 
of yours that just got trashed by a passing dust devil is INAPPROPRIATE to put 
in the
dumpster, or to just leave in a heap on the ground for that matter!  Likewise,
putting hot coals from your barbecue grill in the dumpster is a NO-NO!)

Assuming that range setup is completed on Friday and range duty positions
have been filled, the launch will start bright and early just after sunup
on Saturday morning.  This time of year, sunrise is around 6:15 AM (Standard 
so be sure to prep your rockets the night before for the best chance to take 
of the great early-morning flying weather.

Speaking of weather: In extended forecasts, it so far looks promising with 
sunny skies and the typical pattern of moderate winds increasing later in the 
The watchword is to be prepared for all kinds of weather, and with any luck 
get some good flying in. Overnight lows will likely be quite nippy, dipping 
into the 30's,
so be sure to plan your wardrobe accordingly!  Daytime highs should be in the 
As always, bring plenty of sunscreen and drink plenty of water, as it's still 
easy to get sunburned
or dehydrated despite the cool temperatures.

ROC Members: the ROC Annual Membership Meeting will be held Saturday
evening at 6:00 PM.  At the meeting, the Board will announce the
final results of the 2012 ROC Board Election, and the Board will address
any additional items brought up by the ROC membership.  The new Board
Members will take office, and subsequently the ROC Board will schedule 
its Annual Meeting to elect Officers (President, Vice President, and Secretary) 
for the next year.

Many thanks (again!) to David  Erbas-White for volunteering to serve as our 
ROC Election Chair for 2012, and for receiving and counting all of the

If any late-breaking news or changes in plan come up, check on the rocstock.org 
website, and/or on the ROC Facebook group page.

Let's fly rockets!  We'll see you on the lake bed!

Greg Lyzenga
ROC Vice President - NAR #13295 / Tripoli #12088

Other related posts:

  • » [roc-chat] ROCstock 36 Launch Announcement - Gregory Lyzenga