[MILRETVET-INFO] 36 Things to Remember When You're Leaving the (Military)

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  • Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 13:03:01 -0500

36 Things to Remember When You're Leaving the Army

 <http://warontherocks.com/author/patrick-mckinney/> Patrick McKinney 

June 12, 2014 . in  <http://warontherocks.com/category/blogs/charlie-mike/>
Charlie Mike 


Many company grade officers (and soldiers and sergeants) will soon depart the
Army much earlier than they had planned. My own departure was unexpected, but I
seized the opportunity to start again and have had a great run so far. Leaving
the Army (or other services) need not be the end of the world. So here, based on
my experience, are the top pieces of advice I have for those about to make the
transition to civilian life:

Do not check out: Despite the bad news, you still have a job to do, and soldiers
rely upon you for your orders, guidance, products, or staff work.

Veterans Affairs (VA): Contact the local VA office and ask their requirements to
start your paperwork. What records or forms will they need? Will they require
appointments or medical checks? Where should you do it? The VA has been a great
asset for me, but it does take time.

Medical: Start documenting any past or current medical issues or treatments. Get
copies of your medical records (civilian and military) and keep them in a file.
You will need these for your civilian doctors and the VA. Tracking down
paperwork later is difficult.

DD 214: Make sure your DD 214 is accurate and complete. You can correct it
later, but make it easier on everyone. This form is vital for the VA and if you
plan to request Veterans Preference on applications. Plus you will have
something to show your grandchildren.

Post 9/11 GI Bill: Ask your VA rep what they need to verify your eligibility and
start the process. You will need this letter/packet if you apply for school and
it is easier to have it in hand, and will ensure you do not miss out on

Grad school, college or training: Being an Army leader is a great experience and
you handled challenges and circumstances that many of your civilian peers did
not, but that does not mean you are qualified for all jobs. If you want to work
in a new field, you will need credentials and relevant experience. The Post 9/11
GI Bill is a generous and great benefit, and you should use it. Start
researching programs. Take the GRE or whatever exams are needed and start your
applications. Education is a great choice, and you may have a hard time getting
it done later.

Networking: Start talking to people in the fields that interest you. Create a
LinkedIn account (or the other resume/networking/recruiting sites) and make
connections. Contact your school's alumni network and see if any events are
planned, or if they offer job services.

Job Fairs: Go to a job fair and see what they are like. If you plan to stay near
your duty station, start working on your next career. If you will live
elsewhere, consider it a training exercise to see how they work. Talk to
recruiters and ask what they are looking for. I went to several job fairs before
I was discharged and they were great practice for the live fire events later.

Interviews: Similar to the job fairs, learn how to talk to recruiters. Do they
speak Army? Do you speak their language? Practice makes perfect and learn your
elevator pitch, your hook, and the right questions and answers.

Resumes: Learn what they look like and start building yours. Ask civilian
friends to review it or share theirs. My mom took my draft and asked her HR reps
to tear it apart. It helped. Learn what resumes do and do not do. Learn the
different types. Find a format that is clear and tells who you are.

USA Jobs: If you are interested in working for the federal government, you must
learn how to use the USA Jobs website. Read the instructions, research online,
and find someone who has used the system. You have to follow the rules if you
want to get through. It can work, be patient.

National Guard/Reserves: I have friends that are happy they continued service in
the National Guard or Reserves. It seems that finding the right unit is
critical, but just like active duty, sometimes you end up where you are needed.
There are great soldiers here and they deserve good leaders.

Terminal Leave/Permissive TDY: Find out your command's policy for permissive
TDY, and verify how many days of terminal leave you will earn. You can get a
couple weeks or months of paid leave while you move out to start anew. Do not
waste it, and it will start sooner than you expect, so be ready.

Family/Friends: There is a high likelihood that you have not seen your family
and friends as often as you would have liked. Take time to reconnect and see
them. Spend time with your parents and siblings. Your friends may have scattered
to the wind, but track them down and catch up. Many may have started families or
careers, and they can offer support and advice. Plus they are usually still fun.

Hobbies: You may or may not have had time for hobbies while in uniform. When I
got stuck in a hold pattern, I started reading random fiction for the first time
in years. It was refreshing and invigorating and it even inspired me to write
some bad short fiction.

Have fun: I had a lot of fun in the Army, but geography often limited
recreational opportunities, so take the time and freedom to do the things you
enjoy. My wife and I now go to baseball, hockey, theater, concerts, and even the
ballet. Do whatever is fun for you, and try new things.

Travel: Consider visiting parts of the United States that you have never seen
before, or consider going on an adventure abroad. You may not have a chunk of
time off again, so give yourself a vacation. You earned it.

Clearance does not equal job: Many folks assume that a security clearance equals
guaranteed work and high pay. That does happen, but is not certain. Many jobs
require years of technical expertise and you may not have spent your time in a
database or writing code. A clearance is a tool to unlock doors, not a skeleton
key; except when it is.

Workforce differences: You dress, speak, act, and smell like an Army officer.
Even in the defense world, do not assume all employees are familiar with
military mannerisms. They may not react to your tone, demeanor, and body
language as a soldier would, and giving orders does not work when you lack
authority or expertise. Do not judge them because they did not serve in uniform.
They deserve respect too. Get to know those you work with and assume they will
not laugh at Army jokes, no matter how funny they are.

Civil-Mil relations: You may be the only veteran your coworkers or neighbors
know, so the responsibility is yours. Show them that veterans are hard-working,
socially adjusted individuals. Be proud of what you did, but do not be shocked
if they do not know where Kandahar or Mosul are, or what indirect fire or an IED
are. That is okay, they probably know a lot of things that you do not.

Dress for Success: You can wear a dress uniform to weddings, but not to a job
interview. If you are like me and failed to own a suit, get a few before you
leave. They will help at job fairs, and just like your Army uniforms, after a
while you will not notice you are wearing one. Look respectable and sharp if
able. A coworker pointed out that I dress like a government bureaucrat, but that
is okay because I am a government bureaucrat. Also, seersucker is a good thing.

Employers want technical or work experience, not just a manager: Many jobs
require technical skills or expertise in addition to managerial experience.
Being a problem solver has a place, but getting to an interview on general
managerial experience can be hard. Consider this when you look at schools or
certification programs.

Find somewhere to live: For the first time in years, you can pick where you work
and live. You can live near a base, in the city, or you can move back home,
whatever you want. Do research first; though. Once you get to that location, do
not expect a BOQ waiting for you.

Find someone in that area to help/assist during transition: Because of the
reasons above, it helps to have resources wherever you choose to live. Having
willing friends and/or family greatly eases the transition, but please remember
that they have lives and families too, and do not become a burden.

Share your experiences: Tell your family and friends about your service. Tell
your coworkers about what you did. Write and share your stories and lessons.
Join the American Legion, VFW, or another veterans group.

Spend time with your family, or start one: If you are married, you may not have
always been there when your spouse or family needed you. Start making up for it
and keep your relationships healthy. If you are single or legally separated,
start planning or working on finding someone. It may help to know what civilians
talk about. If you can find someone that thinks motor pool closeout stories are
interesting, keep him or her, but assume most will not.

Find a doctor, dentist, etc.: Army medicine is great, but say goodbye. The VA
does a good job if you have the time to wait for appointments and get through
the system. If there is an emergency or specialized issue, though, it is good to
have a civilian doctor too. Learn how health insurance works. There is no sick
call anymore, and if you are not ready for it, an emergency can really set you

Financial planning: If you were planning on that twenty year retirement
paycheck, I am sorry. Start saving now, and learn about pensions, 401K's, etc.
Your finances and future are your responsibility. Do not feel too bad, the
government cannot afford all those future retirements anyway.

Do not just come to DC: I ignored this rule, but many officers reflexively come
to DC to find defense work. DC, MD, and VA are great places and I love it here,
but if you are looking for defense work, you will be competing with many
thousands of other veterans, retired personnel, and defense professionals. You
can succeed, but come in with a plan and flexibility. In fact, there are many
great defense and government opportunities far from DC if you are willing to
look elsewhere. You will not get to enjoy the Metro or commuting, but you can
still visit as a tourist like normal Americans do.

Keep doing PT: I ignore this rule because I am lazy and regret it each day. Keep
fit and you will be healthier and happier. You may have developed some habits
that you need to quit (ie: smoking, dipping, blousing your pants into your
shoes) but this is one to keep.

Grow a beard: You know you want to, and it will look great.

No one cares about you: Not literally, your family and friends care about you,
but though your employer or coworkers may like you and care about your work,
they are not responsible for you and probably will not come looking for you if
you miss work. You will have to feed, dress, house, and clean yourself from now
on. It sounds simple, but the simple things are hard.

You are not owed anything: You volunteered at a time of war, served, sacrificed
and maybe even suffered. Thank you, but civilians have the right to not know or
not care what you have done. Many will acknowledge and thank you, but not all,
and that is how the system works.

Get help: An early departure from the service can be scary, upsetting,
stressful, and a dozen other words. You may have lost friends, family or health
and you may feel betrayed or angry. All those emotions are healthy, but do not
let them rule you. Do not ruin your past success or reputation in your remaining
months. Do not burn bridges. If you have health or mental health concerns, get
them checked. If you have PTSD or other worries, start working on them now while
you have resources and an understanding community.

You are more than just an Army officer: You will soon be a veteran and are a
member of the profession of arms. You earned a lifetime membership, but the next
fight is not yours, and that is okay. You served when many would not, and your
time is up. Military service is a privilege, and it comes to an end for
everyone. Use your talents and experiences to make an impact wherever you land.

Relax: You have seen and survived worse. Enjoy yourself and enjoy life.

Patrick McKinney is an Army civilian in Northern Virginia. He served as an Army
officer and was a platoon leader in Iraq. The opinions expressed are his, and
not necessarily those of the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense.

SOURCE:  War On The Rocks article at




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  • » [MILRETVET-INFO] 36 Things to Remember When You're Leaving the (Military) - RETVET-INFO