[RES Raptor] RES Raptor Sim chatlog 0212.09

  • From: ElRiovtrIdrys@xxxxxxx
  • To: resraptor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 23:18:50 EST

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       The fun continues on both Talon's ship and the Raptor where Nveid 
tr'Moussa gets in deep Rihannsu doo-doo. ...

       El'Riov Haashim Zulfaaqar Bashir i-Stonnat tr'Idrys
       Tactical Officer, RES Raptor RNU-980727-B
       Enarrain Daire t'Descai, Commanding Officer

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --
-- File: Raptor1209.log

OnlineHost:     Lera tResan has entered the room.
ElRiov trIdrys:         Jolan'tru qiuu
OnlineHost:     SienaetKholhrvna has entered the room.
S Vjutek:       Anyone excited over the new movie on the 13th? 
Enarrain tDescai:       Please excuse my lack of energy..... I'm really sick at
the moment
EreinTrVorak:   damn right
ElRiov trIdrys:         Yes, Connie and I are driving to Detroit to meet with 
of the Khellian crew
S Vjutek:       Kewl :) 
ElRiov trIdrys:         Our Enarrain may be joining us there as well
OnlineHost:     TKilyle has entered the room.
TKilyle:        =-OA crowd!
EreinTrVorak:   i know ;)
ElRiov trIdrys:         N'alae! Vah'Areinnye TOOK au so long??
S Vjutek:       I'm taking half the day off in honor of it  :) 
Lera tResan:    ::pushes N'alae's eyebrows back down so they don't get stuck
that way::
TKilyle:        Third Watch wasn't over:-P
ElRiov trIdrys:         Don't tell me ...
EreinTrVorak:   im taking the whole night off work
ElRiov trIdrys:         Witless again?
Enarrain tDescai:       Anyone want to give me a recap of what (if anything has
happened since I was gone?)
S Vjutek:       I hope the Romulans kick their butts !!!   LOL 
EreinTrVorak:   heh heh
S Vjutek:       Nothing happened while you were gone. 
TKilyle:        Umm..no. I'm home.  We serfs don't get net access at work
TKilyle:        It snowed, it melted, and now it's cold
OnlineHost:     Lera tResan has left the room.
EreinTrVorak:   heh heh
TKilyle:        Other than that...nothing
EreinTrVorak:   same happened here
EreinTrVorak:   very cold
OnlineHost:     Lera tResan has entered the room.
ElRiov trIdrys:         Aefvadh llhnae Lera
S Vjutek:       I was in Albany, GA and it was 25 on Saturday.... TOOO Cold.
ElRiov trIdrys:         seems like you got the {S TesaPunt
TKilyle:        Ha!  Let's talk 18
EreinTrVorak:   lets talk colder than that
ElRiov trIdrys:         let's talk -3
Lera tResan:    Woooo! N'alae isn't yellow anymore!
S Vjutek:       Let's talk Georgia... you know the SOUTH.  It ain't suppose to 
that cold down here. 
TKilyle:        =-OCrap!  That's the regul;ar temp?  Eeeew!
EreinTrVorak:   i know
EreinTrVorak:   but further north its even colder
EreinTrVorak:   so quit whinin ;)
ElRiov trIdrys:         of course N'alae isn't. She's a lovely grey and white 
with green eyes and is full of mischief ...
ElRiov trIdrys:         oh we sometimes get highs in the 10s or 20s
TKilyle:        Vorak, where are you at?
EreinTrVorak:   Southern Ontario Canada
S Vjutek:       I used to live in Markham, Ontario. 
TKilyle:        Gaa!  Even more north than here!
ElRiov trIdrys:         anywhere near Toronto?
EreinTrVorak:   Im about 1.5hrs from Toronto
EreinTrVorak:   south
EreinTrVorak:   bout 40 mins from Hamilton
ElRiov trIdrys:         ah that was my Grandmother's birthplace
EreinTrVorak:   my birthplace too :)
S Vjutek:       Cool.    I miss Toronto sometimes but not in the winter. 
ElRiov trIdrys:         you do know what the Lone Ranger said to his companion 
they approached the Canadian border, don't you?
EreinTrVorak:   I wouldn't miss it
EreinTrVorak:   turn back its to cold?
ElRiov trIdrys:         On to Toronto pronto, Tonto!
ElRiov trIdrys:         {S rimshot
EreinTrVorak:   heh heh
S Vjutek:       You know how to spell Canada right?  C eh N eh D eh
ElRiov trIdrys:         one of these days the Blue Jays have to make a comeback
Lera tResan:    Ha!
EreinTrVorak:   they will never make a come back
Lera tResan:    They'll have to get past my Yankees first!
EreinTrVorak:   unless they start their own league playing against little
S Vjutek:       That as likely as it is for the Leafs to win the cup.  ROFLMAO
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::::::thwaps Vju::::::::: We have already had enough of
Canada bashing on the Trek message boards TYVM
EreinTrVorak:   I agre with you there
EreinTrVorak:   Toronto isn't doing too bad
EreinTrVorak:   Belfour really surprised me
S Vjutek:       Blow Leafs blow.   LOL 
S Vjutek:       I used to love the Leafs and then I moved away from Toronto and
realized that there were other teams in the same league.  :-D
ElRiov trIdrys:         Like ... the Stanley Cup champions from Detroit.
EreinTrVorak:   there are other teams?
S Vjutek:       The Dead Wings? 
ElRiov trIdrys:         RED Wings
EreinTrVorak:   Go Atlanta!
EreinTrVorak:   heh heh
EreinTrVorak:   Phoenix rules
S Vjutek:       I heard they were going to do an AARP spot on ESPN Classic 
ElRiov trIdrys:         we shall see who wins next
Lera tResan:    Go Islanders!
S Vjutek:       Go Lightning :) 
EreinTrVorak:   Go Edmonton  lol
S Vjutek:       Does anyone need a recap? 
ElRiov trIdrys:         yes
TKilyle:        It may be a good idea
Enarrain tDescai:       It's like a nite cap.... or is that a Nytequil?
Enarrain tDescai:       Nitequil
Lera tResan:    ::giggle::
EreinTrVorak:   That stuff is dangerous
EreinTrVorak:   you'll sleep for like 20hrs
S Vjutek:       Actually it's both to some of us. 
ElRiov trIdrys:         I have a nightcap. I put it on before turning in cause 
it is
so cold
TKilyle:        <---doesn't wear hats because it messes up my hair
OnlineHost:     Cmdr SaraMcNeil has entered the room.
S Vjutek:       Recap>>>>  Our Fleet has sent over it's deligates to
the medical frigate in Talon's fleet.  There are also three Warbirds present
from the current Galae fleet that was in the taken system.
S Vjutek:       <--Doesn't wear hair, it messes up his hats. 
TKilyle:        oh yes!  And Idrys has the Rihan chicken pox or something:-D
Aensai:         Jolan Tru!!
Enarrain tDescai:       Okay... let's be at it.  We don't have long and I have a
date with my bed.
Aensai:         What I do?
OnlineHost:     Cmdr SaraMcNeil has left the room.
Aensai:         On phone with relative who did not want to go away!
S Vjutek:       You gonna sleep around on your first date? :-D
EreinTrVorak:   lol
S Vjutek:       Is everyone ready? 
Aensai:         Testing computer
ElRiov trIdrys:         no
S Vjutek:       B+
EreinTrVorak:   as ready as I'll ever be
Aensai:         What do I do? :'(
ElRiov trIdrys:         and what happened to me? Chicken pox?
S Vjutek:       (That's up to the medical staff Idrys :)  )
Aensai:         You had the Tarothka virus!!!
Aensai:         But no one listened to the medic - :'(
Aensai:         Extreme stomach cramps and a nasty rash
Aensai:         I told you to report to medical but no one listened to me
Enarrain tDescai:       :::sniffles:::  I'm such a sap.
ElRiov trIdrys:         Ah
ElRiov trIdrys:         Sap? No it's Winter, no sap till Spring ;)
EreinTrVorak:   lol
Enarrain tDescai:       Watching the last 45 minutes of the movie Prancer and 
crying like my heart is breaking.
OnlineHost:     Erein trRhaein has entered the room.
S Vjutek:       Egads. 
EreinTrVorak:   its prancer... you're allowed
Aensai:         Death of Boromis :'(
TKilyle:        BTW, if anybody cares, I called in sick to be here and tog o
shopping and stuff
EreinTrVorak:   they ate reindeer testicles on Fear factor tonight
Aensai:         Boromir
ElRiov trIdrys:         < ~~ cares
S Vjutek:       Gross.... lets get this party started folks. 
Lera tResan:    And the icky eggnog.
EreinTrVorak:   yup
ElRiov trIdrys:         Ladies and GentleRihanha ... START au'r ENGINES!!
Aensai:         What do I do!!!
EreinTrVorak:   ::stalls::
Enarrain tDescai:       You doctor, silly
Aensai:         Right me doctor
Aensai:         Reay then
EreinTrVorak:   ::runs out of gas::
Aensai:         Ready
ElRiov trIdrys:         Set
Enarrain tDescai:       SImmers take your marks....
Enarrain tDescai:       Get set.....
Enarrain tDescai:       :::checks to make sure the pistol is loaded with blanks
this time before firing:::
EreinTrVorak:   ::gets set::
Enarrain tDescai:       BEGIN SIM
Enarrain tDescai:       BEGIN SIM
Enarrain tDescai:       BEGIN SIM
ElRiov trIdrys:         (( hey aim it at Talon, use the real ammo ))
Aensai:         &lt;Keels over shot in the chest from unnoticed bullet&gt;&gt;
Aensai:         &lt;Elements you shot me!&gt;
TKilyle:        ::arms crossed over her chest, glares at the maenak::
Aensai:         ::glares back::
Enarrain tDescai:       :::standing in the reception area, looking not at all
EreinTrVorak:   ::drops a book on the floor... sounds like gunshot::
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;OOps.... Delegation... attach your @'s please.>>
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;what my @ please&gt;&gt;
Erein trRhaein:         ((Did I miss the briefing?))
EreinTrVorak:   ((I must have too))
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;Aen... you don;t use one. :D>>
S Vjutek:       @ ::looks around at all the security that's in place:: &lt;q&gt;
Someio isn't taking any chances this ensl.  
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;We're where we left off... just unloading at the
medical ship>>
EreinTrVorak:   ::picks up his book:: I must have fallen asleep
Enarrain tDescai:       @:::looks to see that Vju, Khol, and Rhaein are with
TKilyle:        Maenak, au will either do as au are ordered and treat au patient
here or I will have au tossed in the brig and have au diserhn take au place.
Erein trRhaein:         ((We left off like a month ago... I'm supposed to 
S Vjutek:       Talon's Aid&gt; The crew of the Raptor, I presume.  If au will 
follow me,  they are meeting in conference room io.  This way.  ::leads the
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;You saying that I have a better memory than you
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > :::lying unconscious hrrau the floor of the
Erein trRhaein:         @::with them, where they are::
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::shakes head::: Nveid always manages to get things 
up ... io way or another.
Aensai:         He has the Tarothka virus. Fine. I will give him pain killers 
the stomach cramps and a spray for the rash but I warn you he should be in
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;Wow... this could be a first.... Me.... doing
something better than..... Rhaein. ;-)>>
EreinTrVorak:   ::picks up his &quot;to do&quot; list::  Well... I should be
able to get some things accomplished with some people off the ship
ElRiov trIdrys:         Then do this HERE u' I mean H'NA.
S Vjutek:       @ ::motions forward:: After au rekkhai.  ::watching Talon's Aid
leave the hangar area:: 
Aensai:         ::pulls out a hypospray and approaches patient::
Erein trRhaein:         ((It's nice to see medical jargon again))
TKilyle:        ::snorts in disdain:: He is a soldier in the Galae.  I expect 
to be at his post and functioning until his atioms are dispersed to the
Enarrain tDescai:       @ :::steps forward and follows the Aid without saying a
word or giving a greeting or any other polite form.:::
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;I was a premed student&gt;&gt;
ElRiov trIdrys:         ::nods:: R'he, Ihhei.
TKilyle:        tr'Chee&gt;::edges as far away from the maenak and TAC as
Erein trRhaein:         @::follows, not unlike a train gorilla::
S Vjutek:       @ ::pays close vae'drae to the route that they are taking to the
conference room:: 
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;Does this virus cause sterility?>>
Erein trRhaein:         (trained)
Aensai:         ::injects Idrys with a pain killer that will hopefully minimize 
EreinTrVorak:   ::walks slowly towards engineering::
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;no its a childs virus that some adults may get&gt;&gt;
Aensai:         ((like chicken pox only more painful and less pleasant&gt;&gt;
TKilyle:        Maenak, au may wish to check into reattaching skin to aliving 
I may have to filet our engineer if this ship is na ready soon.
S Vjutek:       Talon's Aid&gt; ::pauses outside the conference doors:: Do au 
me to announce au formally?
Erein trRhaein:         @::watching everything along the way, especailly the
Aid,lookign for telltale signs of trouble::
EreinTrVorak:   ::trips along the way::
Enarrain tDescai:       @ :::feels a chill tickle along her arms:::  That won't 
EreinTrVorak:   ::helps himself off the ground::
Aensai:         ::turns:: I have the training to do so rekkhai
ElRiov trIdrys:         Hann'yyo Maenak. H'na, see to tending to that 
dha'rudh feanna there. ::points at tr'Moussa, who is somewhat groggy now::
S Vjutek:       Talon
EreinTrVorak:   ::brushes off his uniform and checks to make sure nobody saw
him fall::
Aensai:         Ie rekkhai.::approahces Moussa and runs a scanner::
S Vjutek:       Talon's Aid&gt; As au wish Enarrain.  ::turns on a heel and
retreats into the TL :: 
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > ::groans slightly, rubs back of head::
EreinTrVorak:   ::continues to engineering::
S Vjutek:       @ ::glances around ::  This should be interesting...  ::somewhat
under his breatth:: 
Aensai:         Lie still rekkhai. Au has a minor concussion.
EreinTrVorak:   I think i'll do something safe today... that won't get me
burned or electricuted
TKilyle:        +Engineering+ If this ship is called to aid its crew and it 
ready, I will yy'a au.  Na, wait.  I will make sure the enarrain knows
exactly who made it impossible
Enarrain tDescai:       @ ::::mutters::: Au can say that again.  ::::steps 
boldly, triggering the door:::
TKilyle:        to help her.
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > Ie ... it hurts, Ihhei. He ...
Aensai:         ::readjusts hypo spray:: This should stop the nausea and the
EreinTrVorak:   +tkilyle+ We'll be ready... don't you worry about that
Aensai:         ::frowns:: Au has a concussion - what did au expect - a tickle?
ElRiov trIdrys:         Shut the whoiasi' Areinnye up, Nveid, u' be thankful I
allowed au aboard this ship.
S Vjutek:       @ ::follows her in, his widen immediately at the 3 figures to
Talon's right:: 
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;What is this?  Watch the last few minutes of 
movie on earth night?>>
Aensai:         ::presses hypo to neck and release drug with a hiss::
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > ::to Idrys:: Ie Rekkhai ... ::to Aensai:: Na
Ihhei, ssuaj-ha
EreinTrVorak:   ::enters engineering::
S Vjutek:       ACTION&gt;  The crew enters the conference room,  sitting beside
Talon are the Enarrain's of the three Galae vessels they saw on their way in.

Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;Now I'm catching the last 10 minutes of the
American President.... time for tissues.... take two.>>
EreinTrVorak:   ::Looks around to see his crews diligently working on
calibrating sensors, weapons, shields and all that other helping enarrain
Aensai:         ::gets up putting away medical equipment:: Will there be 
else rekkhai?
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;breaks free from the Hnoiyika black rule!!&gt;&gt;
Enarrain tDescai:       @ :::nods curtly to them all, not betraying the minutest
trace of surprise:::: 
ElRiov trIdrys:         Na, hann'yyo, Ihhei.
TKilyle:        Au may wish to cleanse our air duct system.  Elements forfend 
Idrys' little disease should infect the rest of the ship.
ElRiov trIdrys:         (( ::clapclap for Aensai:: ))
EreinTrVorak:   ::looks at his list::  I think I'll work on upgrading the
communications.. you never know when an ion storm will hit
EreinTrVorak:   or a jamming signal... or anything else for that matter... its
relatively safe
Enarrain tDescai:       @ Jolan Tru.  I believe we have a some things to
discuss... and we don't have much time.
EreinTrVorak:   I doubt theres any way I can hurt myself doing that
S Vjutek:       @ ::arches a brow:: Enarraina tr'Vortek, tr'Barek and t'Valroom.
::knows two of the three personally, has never met t'Valroom before:: 
Aensai:         +TKilyle Do you need anything else from me rekkhai or should I
return to medical?
OnlineHost:     SienaetKholhrvna has left the room.
TKilyle:        ::ponders a moment:: For that matter, see where he got it from. 
could be that he was infected on purpose, to weaken us.
TKilyle:        Au do have training in epidemiology, do au na?
Enarrain tDescai:       @:::shifts her eyes to Rhaein for a moment, trying to
determine if he knew that Galae was here... and why:::
Aensai:         I will take blood samples and run an analysis in the lab. It is 
common illness. Have you been around any other Romulans off ship lately?
S Vjutek:       @ ::shoots an arches brow at Talon before taking a seat:: 
Erein trRhaein:         @::as usual, does not give the slightest idea of what he
knows or does (and no, not because he doesn't know anytihng, I saw that
S Vjutek:       Talon&gt; ::stands out of courtesy::  I take it that everyone
knows io another now, na? 
EreinTrVorak:   ::walks down the corridor to the communication grid, room,
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::walks over, grabs tr'Moussa, helps him up::: ::qm,
through clenched teeth:: Au vaed'rae me, whoiasi' dha'rudh fvai ...
Aensai:         He did say he did not have it in childhood. In fact I recently
recovered from it.
EreinTrVorak:   hmm... its in relatively good shape considering...
EreinTrVorak:   few burnt out relays that need replacing... with electricution
safety protocols intact ::wipes sweat::
ElRiov trIdrys:         ::points to Dheno console:: Au take that station u' 
mind it
rha carefully. Report the slightest variance to Daise'Erei'Riov t'Kilyle or
Enarrain tDescai:       @:::stands behind her chair and looks at Talon::::  
ElRiov trIdrys:         Ssuegn?
TKilyle:        Our last stop was the docking station.  There were quite a 
of Rihannsu there.  I had it as a child as did my hfai ::nods at tr'Chee::
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > ::nods meekly:: Ssuaj-ha Rekkhai.
Enarrain tDescai:       @ :::coolly::: I believe I may have met them over tea at
some time or another.
EreinTrVorak:   ::lifts off the verry heavy panel over the long range
ElRiov trIdrys:         Mnekha. Or else I shall drop au down an empty turboshaft
when au least expect it.
EreinTrVorak:   ::leans it up against something VERY unsturdy::
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::stalks off and plunks himself down at Tactical:::
S Vjutek:       Talon&gt; ::looks around the table and smiles:: Menkha.  Galae 
representatives here to ensure that we are acting on behalf of the Empire.
If we are to get rid of this incursion by the alien
Aensai:         Then that explains how he got it rekkhai. It is a painful 
but not fatal and most have already had it. I doubt he was infected on
purpose rekkhai.
S Vjutek:       forces, we have to do as io,  na as 3 seperate fleets.  
TKilyle:        tr'Chee&gt;::mutters::Which would be why my ri'nanov sent me 
to live with my di'nanov.
Enarrain tDescai:       @:::stifles a snort and mutters::: Since when has he 
concerned with the *behalf of the Empire*
EreinTrVorak:   ::carefully examines the transmitter... hmm... the only thing
in need of replacing is the phase descriminator... thats like a 27 minute job
S Vjutek:       Talon&gt; I can also assure au that Galae is na here to
incarserate au or au crew Enarrain t'Descai.  If au choose to work with us on
this common goal,  au and au crew will be exhanerated &lt;sp?&gt; of all
TKilyle:        It may be wise to check the records of the rest of the crew and
monitor those who have not had it.  We do na need them keeling over at a
critical moment.
Aensai:         Ie rekkhai - I will be in medical looking over the crew medical
Aensai:         If you will excuse me rekkhai
ElRiov trIdrys:         ::glances at tr'Chee:: Rh'e? Interesting, why they 
would do
that ...
EreinTrVorak:   &lt;&lt;i've got to head out everyone... lil sis has got
homework and DESPERATELY needs the comp... sorry bout that&gt;&gt;
S Vjutek:       @ ::leans in towards the Enarrain:: &lt;vq&gt; With Galae here, 
doubt he is planning anything other than the attacks on the aliens.  While he
may be able to handle three of their ships.  He can't handle an entire attack
Enarrain tDescai:       @:::murmurs::: HIs assurances mean nothing to me.
Erein trRhaein:         @::thinks it convient how the Eisn has met here and 
him not only those that were not sure about, but 1 that the Tal Shiar did nto
knwo about what so ever::
EreinTrVorak:   &lt;&lt;bye&gt;&gt;
OnlineHost:     EreinTrVorak has left the room.
Aensai:         Rekkhai? If I may be excused?
TKilyle:        Chee&gt;::snorts slightly::Tarothka virus in a 10 yr old living 
That House, during Festival season?  Au must be joking.
TKilyle:        ::waves at Aensai:: Dismissed, Maenak.  
ElRiov trIdrys:         Sounds like a very bitter memory
Aensai:         Ie rekkhai ::moves to the turbolift once iside orders the 
S Vjutek:       Talon&gt; I understand au hesitation Enarrain t'Descai.  Hard
times sometimes call for hard actions or strange allies.  We may all have
different ideas of what is best for the Empire but we do all agree that this
Enarrain tDescai:       @ We'll listen.
S Vjutek:       situation must be dealt with swiftly and by any means necessary.
Do we not? 
TKilyle:        Chee&gt;::nods:: Hfihar  S'Khall'oanen is a very bitter Hfihar.
TKilyle:        &lt;&lt;Khall'ianen&gt;&gt;
Enarrain tDescai:       @ But I make no promises.
Aensai:         ::enters medical and moves to one of the computers and starts a 
of all records to see who has not had the Tarothka virus yet::
ElRiov trIdrys:         I hope life has treated au better here.
Enarrain tDescai:       @:::takes a seat:::
S Vjutek:       Talon&gt;::makes a mental note that the Raptor has shown up 
with a
security detail, would na have expected anything less from her::  Nor do I
Enarrain.  I will however make a pact with au and au crew. 
TKilyle:        Chee&gt;:: smiles slightly:: Life in my di'nanov's home is very
good and ::looks fondly at Kilyle:: is better anywhere my heart is.
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > ::fiddles slightly with controls at Dheno
console, pushes wrong io accidentally, sounding Condition Yellow::
S Vjutek:       I will share everything that I have found out about our new
friends with au. Think of it as a show of menkha faith.  I woud hope that au
would extend the same courtesy when the time comes. 
S Vjutek:       &lt; inserts &quot;Talon&gt;&quot; in there&gt;
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::looks up::: Vah'Areinnye ... !!!???
Aensai:         ::A handful of minor crewmen come up having not had the virus 
He himself just had it too weeks before::
Enarrain tDescai:       @ When the time comes.  :::glances at her crewmates:::
TKilyle:        ::stomps over to tr'Moussa:: What the arrienye is going on, au
child of a half grown troll.
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::leaps up from Tactical, strides over to Dheno, 
Condition Yellow klaxon:::
ElRiov trIdrys:         NVEID!!!
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;Oh, my.... the things they are saying on the
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::grabs him by the throat, hoists him::: Next time this
happens I shall show au the WRONG side of the AIRLOCK!!
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;WHOO! HOO!  Violence!>>
Aensai:         ::looks up at the condition yellow then sighs and turns back 
when it
TKilyle:        ::slowly unsheaths her kaleh and holds it under Moussa's
chin::There wil na be a next time, will there?
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::drops him, turns to t'Kilyle::: Veherr Ihhei. I 
we sentence him to scrubbing the bidets hrrau the ship's latrines ...
S Vjutek:       @::arches a brow and stands, moving towards the viewport::  What
we know now is virha little.  Everything any of us have is based on a brief
encounter with the aliens.  We need to place a team in the system to research
them further.
S Vjutek:       @ We need to understand what it is that they have done with the
5th planet in that system and what has become of it's inhabitants. 
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > :::eyes wide, looking from Kilyle to 
Idrys::: Na
... na, there will be na next time ...
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;Descai has au had Tarothka virus as child?&gt;&gt;
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;Yes, please. :D>>
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;I'm sick enough right now... no need to make her
sick as well.>>
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;Oh very well - not a masachis are we?&gt;&gt;
TKilyle:        Menkha.  Otherwise, I might asume your stupity was na accidental
and that au are a spy.
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::bends over tr'Moussa::: Naturally there will na, 
Just be grateful I got au a transfer from that last garbage scow au were on
with t'Nvehh u' my rian Mirok tr'Isa ...
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;&lt;Not today...>>
Aensai:         ::sends out orders to the crew who have not had the virus to 
to medical right away&gt;&gt;
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;It's not full moon.>>
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::looks at t'Kilyle::: A SPY?? ::laughs:: Na him.
S Vjutek:       @ Enarrain tr'Vortek,  au have a micro biologist aboard au 
do au not? 
TKilyle:        ::smirks:: If he can na find his way out of a comm booth, how 
he get here then?
ElRiov trIdrys:         Rian Mirok knew Nveid could do a job, u' he was a mnekha
diserhn hrrau the Dheno department there.
Enarrain tDescai:       @Vortek>  Au have been perusing my crew manifests in 
spare time, Daise Erei'Riov?
ElRiov trIdrys:         However we do na have Mirok here u' that is a pity. He'd
whip him into shape.
TKilyle:        Ah, strong as an ox and with the same brains then.
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > :::shudders a bit at the memory:::
ElRiov trIdrys:         Slow, but he does the job Ihhei.
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::pulls tr'Moussa up::: Back to work au veruul.
ElRiov trIdrys:         ::snarls for emphasis::
ElRiov trIdrys:         tr'Moussa > ::heads back to Dheno console::
S Vjutek:       @ ::grins:: Enarrain tr'Barek has somebody aboard his vessel 
specialized in First Contact with unknown Cilvilizations.  Etre Talon has
several crew memebers that are well versed in botnay.  We have io of the best
S Vjutek:       departments in Galae and io of the if na the best Security crews
as well.   
Aensai:         ::starts preparing hypos for the people who will be coming in 
Tarothka virus and beds for any who become severe::
S Vjutek:       @ ::looks around::  This has to be a team effort.  It can na get
done any other way.  
Enarrain tDescai:       @ :::puts her ego on hold for a few moments:::
Enarrain tDescai:       @Vortek> ::::nods at his words:::
TKilyle:        &lt;&lt;Does the ego getr Muzak while on hold?&gt;&gt;
ElRiov trIdrys:         (( he has someio who specialized in First Contact? 
tr'Frakes? ))
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;80's Muzak>>
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;I'd like to give him some First Contact....
:::wiggles brows and winces as her brain falls out again:::>>
Erein trRhaein:         ((And second.. third...))
S Vjutek:       @ We have to put these specialists in positions that will help
ensure they are untilized to the best of their abliities.  
TKilyle:        &lt;&lt;::sweeps up the brains and holds out the dustpan:: 
Enarrain tDescai:       &lt;&lt;:::takes a piece and pops it in her mouth::: 
de vours?  Thank au.>>
Aensai:         ::moves to a replicator and replicates a warm cup of Romulan 
ElRiov trIdrys:         ::qm:: I've half a mind to contact Mirok and see vah he
could do ... although I recently heard he was na longer aboard that scow.
S Vjutek:       @ ::knows the Enarrain might have a problem with this last 
This mission has to be accountable to Galae.  Na to au, tr'Talon and na to
what Galae has classified as a renegade group in us.  ::looks at tr'Vortek:: 
TKilyle:        ::tilts her head slightly:; Au rian, au mean?  What happened?
Aensai:         &lt;&lt;Mirok? From The NExt Phase?&gt;&gt;
ElRiov trIdrys:         Well, there was that fvadt Tal'Shiar officer who their
Enarrain had appointed as her Executive Officer, if au could believe that.
And the veruul fell hrrau jol with the monster.
S Vjutek:       @::pauses for a moment and then reseats himself::  
ElRiov trIdrys:         So rian Mirok knew something was afoot. He got them to 
a clone of himself was the real thing while he slipped into hiding.
Enarrain tDescai:       @ :::goes board stiff and ram rod straight as she stands
and crosses behind her chair to glower at the wall:::
Aensai:         ::returns to desk and starts familiarizing selfe with crew 
records - especially the senior staff::
ElRiov trIdrys:         They "unmasked" Mirok's presumed "treachery" and threw 
clone out of the airlock thinking they had killed him.
TKilyle:        ::raises a brow:: Io of them?  ::resist the urge to spit::  That
shows remarkably bad tatse
ElRiov trIdrys:         ::grins:: He sent me a message recently ... He is h'na 
Enarrain u' will command the RES Osprey ...
Erein trRhaein:         @::standing against a wall, watching::
Aensai:         ::likes the quite of medical since still is totally lost::
ElRiov trIdrys:         the second vessel after the Golden Eagle in Sela's 
h'na the flagship of that fleet.
Enarrain tDescai:       END SIM
Enarrain tDescai:       END SIM
Enarrain tDescai:       END SIM
TKilyle:        ::screeches to a halt and backspaces her answer::
ElRiov trIdrys:         :::paused:::
Aensai:         ::contiues sipping tea and watching::
Aensai:         ::waiting for Idrys to keel over from virus::
Aensai:         O:-)
Enarrain tDescai:       I love you, all.... but I need to recover.
ElRiov trIdrys:         take care!
TKilyle:        Saved the log
S Vjutek:       Hope you feel better soon. 
Enarrain tDescai:       You are all wonderful and lightness and grace.
ElRiov trIdrys:         see you in Detroit Friday!
S Vjutek:       See you all next week. 
Enarrain tDescai:       And TK... you are a goddess and a priestess.
TKilyle:        ::waves::G'nite all
TKilyle:        Ooo...a godess....
S Vjutek:       She's delerious now. 
Aensai:         Doctor Aensai - like the sound of that
OnlineHost:     TKilyle has left the room.
Aensai:         Doctor Aensai son of Tomalak
ElRiov trIdrys:         Backup log saved
OnlineHost:     Enarrain tDescai has left the room.
OnlineHost:     S Vjutek has left the room.
OnlineHost:     Erein trRhaein has left the room.

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  • » [RES Raptor] RES Raptor Sim chatlog 0212.09