[ratpack] Re: The Moon

  • From: Ray Buck <rbuck@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ratpack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 20:58:31 -0600

Skull Valley, past Iosepah, almost to Dugway. Ya gotta get past (south of) the mountains to the east, then you can get a clear shot at the moonrise.

Or....you can shoot it on the salt flats. The color of the sky and moon are unaltered. The chemicals in the air from the Salt Lake evaporation create unreal sunrises....and in this case moonrise.

This was shot at 1/13th, f29, ISO 400 on a tripod.


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On 9/19/2010 11:42 PM, humminboid@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Out tonight, taking some photos of da moon in its 3/4 full glory. Manual mode (or whatever Canon shooters are pleased to call it) and Sunny 16 exposure.

The moon is an object lit by bright daylght, so base exposure would be: F/16 at a shutter speed equal to whatever ISO you are shooting at, and ignore the meter. I chose 400, so my shutter speed would be ~ proper for the 450mm equivalent of my lens. VR does help.

Not bad, and I went to equivalent exposures... 1/1000 sec. at f/11, or 1/2000 at f/8 to stop more motion...I am /really /shaky at the azimuth, much more so than shooting horizontally. I give my poor VR a nervous breakdown! Oh, but it tries!

Again, not bad, but I can see for truly sharp pixes, I will need my big tripod, turn off the VR and use the remote release.

Probably best to catch the moon as it first rises, when the apparent size will be magnified by the atmosphere, and brace meself really well, in the absence of my 'pod.

'Zanybody know a good place to observe moonrise? Preferably without a lot of light pollution and sky glow to interfere with things.

Just another fine day in photoland. Life is good!

Later; C.

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