[racktables-users] Requesting feedback on something that would resemble an association of object attributes to container objects

  • From: Matthew Castanien <mcastanien@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 16:44:50 -0400


I have a question I am hoping to get feedback on.  We've been using
Racktables for about 2 years now and we love it. It is definitely an
integral part of us efficiently keeping track of our Infrastructure. Please
bear with me as I have provided some background information below.

Background Information:
    In racktables (0.20.3) we added custom attributes/fields to hold
customer data like Client name, IPs, URL1, URL2, Database. These clients'
sites are hosted on our VMs, and multiple clients can be hosted on multiple
VMs. The VM information is also in Racktables, and added to VM hosts via
the Container functionality. I have added object container compatibility
for Parent = VM and Child = Client.

    Example of two Clients:
    Type: Client
        Common Name: BreakfastCafe-Prod
        Main URL: breakfastcafe.domain.com
        Message URL: breakfastcafe-msg.domain.com

    Type: Client
        Common Name: TownDiner-Prod
        Main URL: towndiner.domain.com
        Message URL: towndiner-msg.domain.com

    Here are examples of how the sites are layed out on the VMs:
        - breakfastcafe.domain.com and towndiner.domain.com are hosted on
appVM1 and appVM2
        - breakfastcafe-msg.domain.com and towndiner-msg.domain.com are
hosted on appVM3 and appVM4
        - clientC.domain.com and clientC-msg.domain.com are both hosted on

I understand that if I broke out each Client's URLs to be unique objects I
could then assign each object to the associated appVM objects. However, is
there any way in the setup listed above to be able to assign a client
object to multiple appVM containers, then make the association 'Main URL'
to one or more containers and 'Message URL' to one or more other
containers? I would describe this as somewhat of a "sub-container"
association for attributes.

Thanks in advance,

Matthew Castanien

Other related posts:

  • » [racktables-users] Requesting feedback on something that would resemble an association of object attributes to container objects - Matthew Castanien