[racktables-users] Re: RESTful API for RackTables

  • From: Philip Durbin <philipdurbin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 12:47:35 -0400

On 06/01/2012 12:40 PM, Alexey Andriyanov wrote:
You must write an exporter/importer in some language, right?

Why don't you choose the least painful option, and then be as
language-agnostic as you want while using the resulting export/import API?

Alexey is correct. The "right" way to write a RESTful API for RackTables is write it in PHP using this guide:


I was mostly linking to http://blog.mattynick.com/blog/2012/05/31/getting-racktables-location-info-into-puppet/ just to demonstrate a quick and dirty way to get data out of RackTables and into a language-agnostic format (YAML) with a Ruby script. Yes, it queries the database directly. Yes, the database schema could change. Yes, you're committing to maintaining your own code to provide this API for yourself. It's a proof of concept. . . an example of the kind of data RackTables users are interested in. "Please show me the data center, row, rack, and rack unit(s) for this server."

01.06.2012 20:08, Les Mikesell написал:
I'm confused. How is the right solution to being language-agnostic to
use PHP? And I need an importer as much as an exporter.

Yes, while one is at it, writing away in PHP, coding up a way to POST data to the API (an "importer") would be great to have as well. It's a simple matter of programming. :)

nVentory has a RESTful API, but in my opinion nVentory is not as good at RackTables at helping you visualize your data centers: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/nventory/wiki/RestAPI

There's also this Racks/Bays Management Plugin for GLPI: http://plugins.glpi-project.org/spip.php?article8 . I've barely even looked at GLPI.


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