[racktables-users] Re: Import Script

  • From: Michael Camino <mikeyc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 07 May 2010 18:14:02 -0400

I would be interested in that feature if we could add some type of XLS or CSV import from a generic spreadsheet.I even would be willing to chip in a $25 bounty if needed.

On 5/7/2010 7:19 AM, Gonzalo Servat wrote:
Hi All,

I'm starting to write a Python script to import data from Puppet's
YAML format (although the idea is that you can extend the base class
to import in other formats -- CSV, XML, etc) into RackTables. Does
something like this already exist? Would anyone be interested in
something like this?

The only problem I see with it is that, as new versions come out of
RackTables, there's a good chance if the schema changes considerably
the script will need tweaking as it will talk to MySQL directly.

- Gonzalo

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