[python] Sv: Re: Sv: Re: gyro forces

  • From: olaf <noll@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 22:12:42 +0200 (MEST)

----Ursprungligt meddelande----
Från: jmages@xxxxxx
Datum: Oct 20, 2005 9:15:42 PM
Till: python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ärende: [python] Re: Sv: Re: gyro forces

> Watch "Jack Castor's Epic Downhill Crash!!"
> http://www.bikeroute.com/jacksCrashclip.avi

44 MB - is it worth the download?

yes but only if you can spend the download time making something 
useful like hugging your wife or so

the clip is about a man that rides downhill on his penny farthing, he 
has his legs in racing position - they hang over the handle bar. He 
picks up more and more speed and the solid tyre starts to throw off 
from the rim thanks to the gyroscopic force, until it completely falls 
off the rim. Tyre and bicycle goes in separate directions and at last 
also rider and bicycle take farewell from each other

> Personally I ride a unicycle with a 36 inch wheel and can confirm 
> it is nice sitting on a high wheel now and then.

Rumours said that you are currently building a 12" micro python?

like any sincerely mad scientist I will neither confirm or deny 
rumours like that

but believe it or not there are now a bunch of people who asked if i 
can build them Montys!




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