[pythian] Re: PROJECT - Combat (AI Update)

  • From: Darryl Long <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 22:47:15 -0700

Robert Fakes wrote:

>It usually (if not always) takes alot of training to get a NN to act 
>reasonably.  Sending out an untrained NN is probably not an option.
>Having it learning once it is shipped may not always be a good use of 
>resources, for the same reason.  Depending on the algorithm, it may never 
>change significantly during the games useful life on a particular machine.
Sadly, it's all true.  Neural Networks suck for learning in-game.

The only reason I'm still toying with NNs is because a very simple NN is 
equivalent to Mike's voter system plus my modifications (I'm fairly 
pleased we invented the Perceptron, even though they originally did that 
50 years ago).  I'm hoping I can train and use one to direct the AIs 
action in a smooth, organic manner.  A NN can keep track of a lot more 
inputs at once than I can with state-machine coding, so hopefully it's 
actions will seem more natural (rather than abrupt).  Once we've trained 
the NN ourselves we'll ship it out with learning turned off.  At that 
point, it's just a complex decision maker.


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