[pure-silver] Re: Paraformaldehyde/Acetone in lith developers

  • From: Jean-David Beyer <jeandavid8@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 20:57:17 -0500

Robert Hall wrote:
Fellow Silverados...

Does anyone know what the purpose of Paraformaldehyde is in lith developers?

It is to promote infectious development.

Hydrazine is also used, but I do not know about substituting one for the other. Probably the entire formula would need modification.

If Acetone can be substituted, what is the ration of the substitution?

How does Acetone compare to  Paraformaldehyde in the resulting print?

Thank you in advance.

Robert Hall
www.RobertHall.com <http://www.RobertHall.com>

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