[projectaon] Re: Fwd: [jonblake 81157683] Followup regarding your site projectaon.org

  • From: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino <jfs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:21:25 +0100

On 7 November 2013 14:51, Jonathan Blake <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The website has been disabled. Does anyone know of a reason that the
> bandwidth to the website would have increased dramatically in the last
> while?

Incoming bandwidth can increase due to a DoS attack (either voluntary
or involuntary) but I'm surprised our VPS provider holds us
responsible for this.

The VPS should be able to manage bandwidth and filter out requests
from undesirable sources if they are generating too much traffic to a
given site.  And they should be able to provide you with the IP
address of the clients that are generating problems.

How can the provider (i.e ProjectAon) control the site usage by
*external* clients (i.e. the Internet)?

The only possible ways I can think of doing involve either managing
the web server configuration (can we?) or setting up rate limiting in
the network layer.

For example, if we can manage the apache/lighttpd/web server
configuration at the VPS site we could be able to setup specific
configuration (such as maximum requests for the web instance [1]) and
maybe modules [2] to ensure that the VPS workload for HTTP requests is
kept under control.

If you need help to do this low level configuration please let me know.

Can we change the DNS for projectaon.org to point somewhere else in
the meantime? If we can, if you need an Internet server where to put
up a page ("Sorry we are down, we are working on it") please let me
know.  I have several servers (virtual and physical) I could use for
this purpose while the issue is being worked on.



[1] Such as Apache's Server Limit , see

[2] Apache's mod_evasive and mod_dosblock

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