[projectaon] Re: Alternate solution of section 241 flaw in "Chasm of Doom"

  • From: Simon Osborne <outspaced@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: coma_nero@xxxxxxxx, projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:34:15 +0000

On 24/01/2010 18:30, pamail.cgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
The following was sent from the Project Aon contact form
    From: Riccardo Felletti coma_nero@xxxxxxxx
    Date: 18:30:08 on Sunday, January 24, 2010
Subject: Alternate solution of section 241 flaw in "Chasm of Doom"

Dear all,

According to the flaw in section 241 of The Chasm of Doom (Lonewolf book 4), I 
would suggest that it could be corrected with section 343 instead of section 8.

Let's compare section 241 and section 101:
- in both section Lonewolf reaches a cavern crossed by the river;
- in both section he's with 4 rangers;
- in both sections one exit is to section 115;
- but the other option is different: either section 343 or section 309, and we 
know the latter is a flaw.

If we go to section 343, we have to face a meresquid. Whatever choices are 
made, at the end of the confrontation the player will end up in section 309.

And section 309 was the "flawed link".

So, if the exit choices from section 241 were 115 and 343 (instead of 115 and 
309), the player would anyway end up in either section 115 or 309, and the loss 
of the 4 rangers would be accounted for.

Please let me know your opinion about my suggestion.

Thanks for your splendid job. I can't wait for reading the missing books in the 
original language (I have the full series printed in Italian since I was a 
teenager, but I prefer English).

Best regards,

Riccardo Felletti


Hi Riccardo

Thanks for taking the time to report this to us. Some time ago this problem was highlighted by a contributor who recommended exactly the same fix, as well as changing "to the east" to "to the west" in Section 241 to also make the geography of the Maaken Mines work (and make a similar change in Section 32). It is clear that Section 241 should definitely link to 343 and not 309.

These fixes have been made in our source files, but we haven't yet released a new edition of the book with these changes made. (You can see a test version of the book with these fixes here: <http://www.projectaon.org/test/en/xhtml/lw/04tcod/sect241.htm>)

We do appreciate the contributions of our fellow fans, and we're always grateful for any assistance provided. If you happen to spot any other issues in the books, please report them to us and we'll look into it as soon as we can.

For Sommerlund and the Kai!

Simon Osborne
Project Aon

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