Re: Jim's VB.Net Notes: Intro And Lesson 01

  • From: "Ijemmer Ramos" <ijemmerjones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 06:37:43 -0700

Though I haven't tried the actual steps and have just read through it, I can 
say that
   it is really comprehensible. 

  I've been wondering where to start in learning programming language and I 
think this note  is one of the best place to start. However I still don't have 
visual basic. Can somebody please give me a link where I can download it from? 
And do I need to have a separate JAWS  scripts for it?  ----- Original Message 
  From: RicksPlace 
  To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 3:13 PM
  Subject: Re: Jim's VB.Net Notes: Intro And Lesson 01

  Nicely Done Jim.You have a flare for technical writing.
  It was clear, concise and enjoyable to read through.
  Rick USA 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Homme, James 
    To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 3:00 PM
    Subject: Jim's VB.Net Notes: Intro And Lesson 01

    Jim's Notes


    By Jim Homme






    This is my brain dump to you as I learn Visual Basic .Net. I hope it helps 


    I found, when I was learning my first programming language, Cobol, that if 
I wrote the concepts down as I learned them, they stuck better. Whatever your 
learning style, I hope you get something out of these notes.




    The Approach


    The approach I will take is going to be simple. I'm going to try to 
intentionally use short examples that teach a concept at a time. Along the way, 
I will try to pull a few examples together that demonstrate several concepts 
that we've recently gone over.


    We will repeat concepts as we move through the notes, but when we do that, 
with each successive treatment, we will dive deeper into the concepts we repeat.




    Programming Environment


    As our programming environment we'll use a text editor called EdSharp, from 
Jamal Mazrui. So go get it from 
Install it. Get familiar with it. Switch to the compiler setting for Visual 
Basic .Net. Then make a directory for programs. Come back here when that's done 
and let's get going.






    Adding A Compiler Setting For Visual Basic Console Applications


    We'll write some console applications at the beginning  of the tutorial to 
cut down on and focus the learning curve. In order to get them to compile 
properly, we need to set up a line in the EdSharp main.ini file that will 
compile console applications. That's going to be extremely easy as long as you 
carefully follow these next instructions.


    Open EdSharp.


    Press Alt + Shift + M. This opens the main.ini file.


    Press Control + F and search for the string visual basic .net. The cursor 
will land on a line that contains the command line string EdSharp uses to 
compile a windows executable Visual Basic .Net  program.


    Put the cursor on the beginning of that line and press F8 to start a 
selection block. 


    Scroll down until you've selected the entire compiler directive and move 
one character past it.


    Press Shift + F8. EdSharp selects the whole compiler directive.


    Press Control + C to copy the text to the clipboard.


    Create a blank line and paste with Control + V.


    Change the beginning of the line to read something like Visual Basic .net 
Console Application, so that you know what it does when you pick it from the 
list of compilers.


    Carefully move the cursor over to a string that reads in part winexe.


    Delete the win from that string.


    Save the file with Control + S.


    You now will be able to compile Visual Basic .net Console applications in 
EdSharp and you're ready for the first few lessons.





    Lesson 01: As Tradition Would Have It


    Programmers are steeped in tradition. I'm not about to break tradition, so 
our first program will be the HelloWorld program. It simply prints the words 
"Hello world!" in quotes to the screen. I'll explain what's going on after the 


    Let's get set up. For this lesson, and until I tell you to, use the console 
application compiler setting you created in the introduction to this tutorial. 
Probably the easiest thing to do is to put this tutorial file in the folder 
where you have your programs and make it a favorite in EdSharp. That way, you 
can make bookmarks in it and you don't have to go through the File Open dialog 
to select a text file to open it.


    For every program after this one, try to type it into EdSharp. Don't paste. 
But do paste this one, because I want you to get used to compiling a program 
and running it without the headache of compiler errors to deal with. 


    In the future, I want you to type all programs in. If you type them in, 
you'll get used to seeing compiler errors. Compiler errors are messages the 
compiler puts on the screen when it doesn't understand something you put in 
your program.


    Once you've pasted the  program, save it. Then compile it. Then go to the 
command line and run it. To do that, type it's name without an extension. It 
will print the words Hello world to the screen and wait for you to press Enter.


    So for every program you write, you're going to do three things.


    1. Write some code.

    2. Save it.

    3. Run it.


    Ready? Here we go.




    Let's Do It: Program 01, HelloWorld.vb 


    Paste the below program into a separate window and save it.


    ' HelloWorld.vb

    ' Print a message to the screen.

    ' Wait for the user to press Enter

    ' Exit


    imports system


    Module HelloWorld

      Public Sub Main()

        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")


      End Sub

    End Module




    What Did We Just Do: Program 01, HelloWorld.vb  


    There was a lot going on in that little program. As of this writing, I 
don't know everything that happened, but here's what I know.








    Those lines at the top of the program that start with single quotes are 
called comments. They give you a way to make notes to whoever is reading your 
code. The compiler ignores them. 





    The Line That Starts With Imports


    This instructs the compiler to include a whole bunch of stuff from .Net. I 
included this line, because I tried the program on two computers. It wouldn't 
run on one computer without it. 






    Code Blocks


    In Visual Basic.Net, and any other language pretty much, we write programs 
in chunks of code called code blocks. It's easy to tell in Visual Basic.Net 
where a code block starts and ends. At the beginning of a code block will be a 
line that starts with a keyword. At the end of the code block will be the word 
end followed by that same keyword.


    Our HelloWorld.vb program has two code blocks. One starts with Module and 
ends with End Module. The other starts with Sub and ends with End Sub.

    Module/End Module


    From what I understand at this point in my learning, every Visual 
program must have at least either one class or one module, and the line at the 
top and bottom of this program satisfies that requirement.





    Sub Main/End Sub


    From what I know right now, any program that uses .Net must have a routine 
whose name is main. This program satisfies that requirement.





    Console.WriteLine and Console.ReadLine


    Here's what I know about these two lines.


    The Console.WriteLine and Console.Readline statements are there to run 
something called methods. Methods usually act on data in some way. The second 
line is just there to make the program pause while you examine the line on the 
screen that says "Hello world!" You'd normally use it to get data from someone 
at the console who is using a keyboard to type stuff for your program to do 
something with. 


    The Console.ReadLine method gets data, puts something onto the end of it 
that makes your console take a new line, and sends all of that to the screen.




    Sub/End Sub


    The word right before main in the program tells Visual Basic that we're 
starting something called a subroutine. A subroutine is another kind of code 
block you can call to make it do stuff with data if you want to.  Later on in 
the tutorial, I'll have more to say about the differences between subroutines 
and methods.






    Our Program's Relationship To .Net


    The Imports System at the top of the program tells the compiler to bring in 
a whole bunch of stuff in a thing called a name space. The name space is called 
System. We're using something in the System name space called Console. Console 
is a class. The Console class contains methods. We used two of them. 





    Lesson 01 Conclusion


    As I said in the introduction to this tutorial, we are going to repeat a 
lot of concepts, but go more deeply into them each time we do, so try to put 
aside your curiosity about any questions you may have about the things we've 
just barely touched on and get a feel for running the program and think about 
how it's interacting with the system console.


    Lesson 01 Lab: Your Turn


    Copy the program to a new name and make sure the file name ends in .vb. 
Change the stuff at the top of the program after the single quotes. Compile it. 
Did anything change?


    Go down inside the main subroutine and change the stuff inside the quotes. 
Recompile and run the program. What happened this time?


    Purposely introduce a misspelling in one of the lines and try to recompile. 
What happened?


    See you in the next lesson!







    Jim Homme,

    Usability Services,

    Phone: 412-544-1810. Skype: jim.homme

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