Re: Installing MS Win32 SDK.

  • From: "Marlon Brandão de Sousa" <splyt.lists@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:48:08 -0200

Cygwin will provide a posix like enviroment, from where most part of
applications targeted to it can be compiled to a win32 executable. Of
course, this will require an extra layer of abstraction, responsible
to "translate" posix stuff to win32 equivalents, so that win32
executables can be made from posix code. This said, this layer is
present in the cygwin1.dll, which is used in every cygwin compiled
code. If you distribute a software compiled with cygwin you will have
to distribute the dll, and be (I am not sure here) bound to its
licensing terms. The software iis expected to be a little slower than
a pure win32 one. But please understand that cygwin is only needed to
allow software written using posix stuff to be compiled on windows.
Mingw is the minimalist gnu for windows. It won't provide posix
compatibility, it is a win32 compiler, like any other win32 compiler.
While cygwin allows software written to run on *nix to be compiled and
executed on windows, using a compatibility layer, mingw will compile
code written to be compiled on windows, like vc does. Ence, you aren't
dependant on any layer, dll or licensing stuff when you use mingw.
This said, there're no big differenses in using mingw or other c++
compilers to develope pure C or c++ win32 stuff. Mingw, like most if
not all pother c++ compilers for wiindows, will allow you to use all
features of the c++ language plus will provide you with access to the
windows platform sdk.
Mingw will run on a bigger variety of windows versions, though. Paid
versions of vc will include atl and mfc, so if you're dependant on
these microsoft collections you will need to use vc. The vc express,
however, doesn't support mfc or atl.

When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows," people just
stare at you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, for
Linus Torvalds
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