RE: Help with a Python Program

  • From: "Ken Perry" <whistler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 06:56:40 -0500

Yes but are they light weight enough for a small device that already ahs to
many libraries installed.  I am using the sax because it is on all devices
yes I have to do a bit of code writing but its worth it for the speed.  I
will have a look at the two libraries but I don't know about adding more
libraries for the device I am working on.


From: programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Dunleavy
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 11:17 AM
To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Help with a Python Program

I use the BeautifulSoup library from
The API is much more concise than calling those long-winded DOM
cond = tree.find('yweather:condition')
result = '%s, %s' % (cond['temp'], cond['text'])
Or if you want speed, check out the lxml package and xpath.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ken Perry <mailto:whistler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  
To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 5:11 AM
Subject: RE: Help with a Python Program

Just a hint on this code you can speed it up  a heck of a lot if you get
away from dom and use sax or the simple template parser in python.  Its not
that important to speed up on a PC but I am currently coding on a PDA and
this runs a bit slow do to the interpreter and the dom.


From: programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of BlueScale
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 10:39 PM
To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Help with a Python Program

Thanks for responding.  I actually just finished writing my own.  I never
did get that code shrunk down to size, so I visited the Yahoo developer site
and read through the documentation and code samples.  It took a lot of trial
and error, but I finally got it working!  I also learned a little more about
Python in the process.
If anyone else would like the code, here it is:
#change zipCode to your zip code
zipCode = 0
def getWeather(zip_code):
  if zip_code != 0:
    import urllib
    from xml.dom import minidom
    WEATHER_URL = ''
    WEATHER_NS = ''
    url = WEATHER_URL % zip_code
    dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
    ycondition = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(WEATHER_NS, 'condition')[0]
    weatherReport = ycondition.getAttribute('temp') + ' | ' +
    weatherReport = "No zip code set."
  return weatherReport
print getWeather(zipCode)


On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 22:28 -0500, Ken Perry wrote: 

This is pretty easy to do.  Unfortunately I am extremely busy right this
minute.  However if no one gets to you till Wednesday I will get to it.  



From: programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of BlueScale
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 10:39 PM
To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Help with a Python Program

I found this program to get the weather with a commandline program.  I want
to modify it for use inside another program, but every time I do anything to
it I end up breaking it.  I am still very new at Python.  I would like it
simplified quite a bit.  All I need is a variable set at the top with a 5
digit zipcode, so it is easy to modify.  I would like it to only return the
current temp followed by the current condition.  For example, when ran it
should return something like 78F | cloudy.  I need to remove the extended
forecast and the commandline arguments.  Can someone please help with this
and send me some info on how it was done? I thought it would be easy to do
but apparently I was wrong. *grin*  It would be even better if the whole
program could be simplified down to one function, but I am not sure that
will be possible.
Thanks for the help, and here is the code:
#! /usr/bin/python

Fetches weather reports from Yahoo!

Written by Thomas Upton (,
with contributions from Chris Lasher (

This code is licensed under a BY-NC-SA Creative Commons license.

import sys
import urllib
from optparse import OptionParser
from xml.dom.minidom import parse

# Yahoo!'s limit on the number of days they will forecast for

def get_weather(zip_code, days):
  Fetches weather report from Yahoo!

  -`zip_code`: A five digit US zip code.
  -`days`: number of days to obtain forecasts for

  -`weather_data`: a dictionary of weather data


  # Get the correct weather url.
  url = WEATHER_URL % zip_code

  # Parse the XML feed.
  dom = parse(urllib.urlopen(url))

  # Get the units of the current feed.
  yunits = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(WEATHER_NS, 'units')[0]

  # Get the location of the specified zip code.
  ylocation = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(WEATHER_NS, 'location')[0]

  # Get the currrent conditions.
  ycondition = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(WEATHER_NS, 'condition')[0]

  # Hold the forecast in a hash.
  forecasts = []

  # Walk the DOM in order to find the forecast nodes.
  for i, node in enumerate(
      # Stop if the number of obtained forecasts equals the number of
requested days
      if i + 1 > days:
          # Insert the forecast into the forcast dictionary.
          forecasts.append (
                  'date': node.getAttribute('date'),
                  'low': node.getAttribute('low'),
                  'high': node.getAttribute('high'),
                  'condition': node.getAttribute('text')

  # Return a dictionary of the weather that we just parsed.
  weather_data = {
      'current_condition': ycondition.getAttribute('text'),
      'current_temp': ycondition.getAttribute('temp'),
      'forecasts': forecasts,
      'units': yunits.getAttribute('temperature'),
      'city': ylocation.getAttribute('city'),
      'region': ylocation.getAttribute('region'),
  return weather_data

def create_report(weather_data, options):
  Constructs a weather report as a string.

  -`weather_data`: a dictionary of weather data
  -`options`: options to determine output selections

  -`report_str`: a formatted string reporting weather


  report = []
  if options.location:
      if options.verbose:
          # Add the location header.

      # Add the location.
      location_string = "%(city)s, %(region)s\n" % weather_data

  if (not options.nocurr):
      if options.verbose:
          # Add current conditions header.
          report.append("Current conditions:")

      # Add the current weather.
      currstr = "%(current_temp)s%(units)s | %(current_condition)s \n" %

  if (options.forecast > 0):
    if options.verbose:
        # Add the forecast header.

    # Add the forecasts.
    for forecast in weather_data['forecasts']:
        forecast['units'] = weather_data['units']
        forecast_str = """\
    Low: %(low)s%(units)s
    High: %(high)s%(units)s
    Condition: %(condition)s
  """ % forecast


  report_str = "\n".join(report)
  return report_str

def create_cli_parser():
  """Creates a command line interface parser."""

  usage = (
      "%prog [options] zip_code",
  ZIPCODE: The ZIP code for the region of interest.
  usage = "\n\n".join(usage)
  cli_parser = OptionParser(usage)
  # Add the CLI options
  cli_parser.add_option('-c', '--nocurr', action='store_true',
      help="Suppress reporting the current weather conditions"
  cli_parser.add_option('-f', '--forecast', action='store', type='int',
      help="Show the forecast for DAYS days", metavar="DAYS")
  cli_parser.add_option('-l', '--location', action='store_true',
      help="Give the location of the weather"
  cli_parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
      help="Print the weather section headers"

  return cli_parser

def main(argv):

  # Create the command line parser.
  cli_parser = create_cli_parser()
  # Get the options and arguments.
  opts, args = cli_parser.parse_args(argv)

  # Check that an argument was passed.
  if len(args) < 1:
      cli_parser.error("Not enough arguments supplied.")

  # Check the zip code
  zip_code = args[0]
  if len(zip_code) != 5 or not zip_code.isdigit():
      cli_parser.error("ZIP code must be 5 digits")
  if opts.forecast > DAYS_LIMIT or opts.forecast < 0:
     cli_parser.error("Days to forecast must be between 0 and %d" %

  # Get the weather.
  weather = get_weather(zip_code, opts.forecast)

  # Create the report.
  report = create_report(weather, opts)

  print report

if __name__ == "__main__":

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