Fruit basket program in IronPython using Layout by Code

  • From: Jamal Mazrui <empower@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 10:19:51 -0400

From the archive at

This archive has been updated. The original version of this fruit basket program used the .NET Windows Forms classes to create a GUI. The archive has been updated to include another version, and lbc_fruit.exe, using the Layout by Code support of Homer.NET.

In a recent message to this list, I posted code for a fruit basket program written with standard Windows Python 2.5, using the Python.NET package to connect to .NET classes, including the Layout by Code support of the Homer.NET library -- distributed as part of the Homer application framework, HomerApp, at

or .zip for a manual install.

This IronPython version works with the same source code. IronPython (supporting the Python 2.6 language) is available at

Thus, both a standard Python-based executable and an IronPython-based executable can produce an application with the same behavior using common syntax in Python. The standard Python version has an advantage of full access to native, third-party Python packages. The .NET version has an advantage of broader interoperability with the .NET Framework.

The source code of is pasted below.


Fruit Basket program in IronPython
Public domain by Jamal Mazrui
May 10, 2010

# Import namespaces
import clr
from Homer import *

def OnEvent(oSender, oArgs):
        if oSender == dlg: sEvent = 'Closing'
        else: sEvent = 'Click'
        if sEvent == 'Closing':
if Lbc.DialogConfirm('Confirm', 'Exit program?', 'Y') != 'Y': oArgs.Cancel = True
        elif sEvent == 'Click':
                if oSender.Name == 'Button_Add':
                        sFruit = txtFruit.Text
                        if not sFruit: return Lbc.DialogShow('Alert', 'No fruit 
to add!')

                        iIndex = lstBasket.Items.Count - 1
                        lstBasket.SelectedIndex = iIndex
                elif oSender.Name == 'Button_Delete':
                        iIndex = lstBasket.SelectedIndex
                        if iIndex == -1: return Lbc.DialogShow('Alert', 'No 
fruit to delete!')

                        iCount = lstBasket.Items.Count
                        if not iCount: return
                        if iIndex == iCount: iIndex -= 1
                        lstBasket.SelectedIndex = iIndex
        # OnEvent function

dlg = LbcForm('Fruit Basket')
txtFruit = dlg.AddInputBox('Fruit')
btnAdd = dlg.AddButton('Add')
btnAdd.Click += OnEvent
dlg.AcceptButton = btnAdd
lstBasket = dlg.AddPickBox('Basket')
btnDelete = dlg.AddButton('Delete')
btnDelete.Click += OnEvent
dlg.Closing += OnEvent

[End of]
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  • » Fruit basket program in IronPython using Layout by Code - Jamal Mazrui