[powerdot] After A TexLive Upgrade, Problems With Powerdot

  • From: rossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: powerdot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 06:31:57 -0400

Hello Everyone:

I am running a version of Debian-based Linux, and everything was wonderful.
Powerdot was running fine.

Then, I did something bad.

I decided to upgrade the version of texlive on the system.  Now, when I run
any of my powerdot files I get the error

! Package graphics Error: No driver specified.

See the graphics package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.88     }


My pstricks packages are installed separately from the Debian packages and
come from the newest versions on CTAN.  I don't use the Debian versions of
these packages.

When I obtained the above message, I then changed




The error goes away, but the pdf file that results give slides that are
truncated or chopped off on the right side.

If I change to


The pdf file is correct and gives me the full slide ... nothing is
truncated.  But, of course, now the pause effects, etc., ... are gone.

Can someone please me to locate the problem?  What is the probable cause for

Kind regards,


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