[phpa] Re: Can't change shm size

  • From: "Nick Lindridge" <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <nicholas@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 17:22:16 -0000 ()


The maximum setting for shm is typically 32MB for most operating
systems, and is why it failed in your case.

I did some redesign work in PHPA 1.3 to move towards the day when PHPA
supports multiple shm segments, but currently you can only use one.

Firstly I'd suggest checking that you need more than 32. Look in the
apache error log for files being flushed to make space, and use
phpa_cache_admin -mv to see what the maximum memory ever used was. If
it was close to 32MB then you have filled up the shm.

In this case, use the -fv option to see whether regular html files are
being cached. If so, you can exclude them by setting phpa.ignore_files
= '.html', or whatever extensions you have for those files.

Second you could reduce the shm_ttl value. This would cause unused
files to be flushed sooner.

I do hope to add support for multiple shm segments in the future
because that's an obvious feature that's missing.


> Hi Nick !
> I tried to change phpa's shm size....
> this is my config setting in php.ini
> -------------------------------
> zend_extension=/usr/lib/php4/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-
> 20001214/php_accelerator_1.3.1pre3.so
> phpa.registration_keys_file = /etc/php4/apache/goose.phpa
> phpa.shm_perms = 666
> phpa.shm_user=www-data
> phpa.shm_group=www-data
> phpa.show_registration_warnings=on
> -------------------------------
> it works well, but after i added
> phpa.shm_size = 64
> it fails with Apache's error.log like this :
> [warn-phpa] Unable to acquire shm - Invalid argument (pid 8199)
> Can I have a clue ?
> Thanks !
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