[phorm] [Phorm:] Can't open ACK file

  • From: webbbs@xxxxxxxxx
  • To: support@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: 12 May 2003 21:47:58 -0000

The following new message has been posted on Phorm Support Forum at 


  MESSAGE:  (#2681) Can't open ACK file 
  AUTHOR:   adam 
  DATE:     May 12, 2003 at 5:47 p.m. EST 

sorry in advance for the long post. :o) 
i have a form with v2.51 working fine, but i can't get it to work on the 
machine i need it on . here is the text of my previous question: 

----------------begin old message--------------- 
I have a form at http://www.lvinstitute.org/calendar/submit_event.php that 
works without a hitch. 

There it is running on a Linux box with Apache. My problem lies in trying to 
run the same form on my own box. My address is 
http://adamm.is-a-geek.com/calendar/submit_event.php it is a win98 box running 
PHP 4.3.0 and apache 1.3.x. i get the following error generated from the page: 

040 - I'm sorry, this page only processes the contents of a form. You cannot 
access it directly. 

the following is sent to my inbox: 

Phorm Variables: 
PHORM_ALERTTO: myaddress@xxxxxxxxxxxx 

The ack template is defined in the form-specific config file defined in 
submit_event.php and the alertto is defined in both the global and 
form-specific config files. when i change ALERTTO in the specific config, 
nothing changes, but if i change the adddress in the global config, ALERTTO 
does indeed send the error to a different address. 

i tried setting PHORM_CONFIG and PHORM_ACK in the global config file, but that 
did nothing. 
setting $PHORM_RCONFIG = N; and $PHORM_ACK = "submit_event_confirm.php"; in 
the global config pushes me forward to the confirmation page with no field 
data passed forward. 

at first, i thought the problem was with mail(), but i now have it working 
fine sending out test messages with a file called mailtest.php. it had been 
generating errors on my PHP error log, but not now, so i have ruled that out. 

all configuration files are the same as the working copy, other than the MySQL 
variables (but those aren't called until after the user confirms the 
information, so they don't have anything to do with the problem) i can't 
imagine that it is a file permission problem, because it is able to read the 
global config file and i did nothing to its permissions. 

i also considered a corrupted phorm.php file, but i downloaded an exact copy 
of the working installation's phorm.php and that did not improve anything. 
----------------finish old message--------------- 

OK, so i tried v 3.0.4 and my inbox has this: 
(snipped for what i think is important) 

PHORM_ACK: ./submit_event_confirm.php 

thinking the leading "./" might be a problem, i then edited the following line 

else $PHORM_ACK = "$ph_tpd/$PHORM_ACK"; 

by removing the "pd/". 

on my error email, i then get 

PHORM_ACK: submit_event_confirm.php 

but the form still doesn't work. 


thanks in advance for your assistance. 



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Other related posts:

  • » [phorm] [Phorm:] Can't open ACK file