Re: [PCWorks] Tricking Eudora

  • From: Tom <tjd@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pcworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 06:37:09 -0500


Thank you for your suggestion.  Actually, version 7.1  of 
Eudora is the one I have.

The problem isn't the capability of my computer, it has a 
three gHz processor, one GB of memory and  running Windows 
XP Pro.  The problem is that the newer  versions of 
Eudora  handles  the edit window for writing e-mail in a 
way that screen readers can't seem to cope with.  It isn't 
just my computer and screen reader, it's a known 
problem  among the access technology world.  Unless you 
understand how screen readers work it would be difficult to 
explain.  The older versions of Eudora have a more standard 
interface that works well with screen readers.

I'm probably either going to have to put up with the 
problems or start using Outlook Express, which has other 

It's just another problem blind people have when trying to 
adapth to a sighted society.


** Message Separater **
 >Why don't you simply move up to V7.1?  It's 
free.  There >was one build of Eudora 7 that had more than 
a few >problems. V7.1 seems to be problem free.  I don't 
use >many of the newer features, but you can make it 
look >exactly like the version you're used to.  If 
your >computer will handle it, it's pretty silly to stick 
with >such an old version.
 >At 06:09 PM 3/25/2010, you wrote:
 >>OK guys, no wise cracks!
 >>I've been using a very old version of Eudora, 
version >>3.06.
 >>  Just let me say it has worked very well with 
my >>screen reader and is not over bloated with 
useless >>features or fancy eye candy.  And, it's never 
caught a >>v-r-s, it's too dumb to know what they are.
 >>The problem is that it does not support port 587 
for >>sending e-mail and it does not support 
server >>authentication and my ISP just started to 
required >>both.
 >>Anyone have any ideas on how I might force this 
version >>to use these features?
 >>I have a paid version of version seven and I've 
tried >>putting the 3.06 Eudora.exe in place of the 
version >>seven Eudora.exe but couldn't make it work.  I'm 
not >>giving up though.
 >>Just thought I'd look here for some out of the 
box >>thinking.

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