[pchelpers] Re: online motherboard deals???

  • From: PcCowboy <saddle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pchelpers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:53:31 -0600

G.R. Hanson wrote:

>I know someone needing a new motherboard for their pc fast.
>I forget where ones said they order this stuff online.  Could someone please 
>repeat that, and give me some suggestions of where to get a good deal on a 
>motherboard online?
><not sure what it is or I would tell you.  I think it's an Athalon, but I'm 
>not sure.>
Go to pricewatch.com   choose the motherboard category and in the search 
box put in the name
of the company, or model number, or type of cpu for the motherboard.
Then it will give you the names and price of all the internet stores 
that carries it.

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