[pchelpers] Re: DSO Exploit

  • From: Scott McNay <wizard@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "cyrilh@xxxxxxxx" <pchelpers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 19:12:57 -0600

Hi Cy,

Saturday, January 22, 2005, 5:15:48 PM, you wrote:

cjc>   Some time ago there was a question about SpyBot finding
cjc> DSO Exploit but not being able to delete it. The following
cjc> information works!  It came from Kim Komando's daily email. I
cjc> followed the instructions explicitly and it solved the problem,
cjc> even though it may not really be a big thing. explanation
cjc> follows. 

Please note that the instructions have you change IE's settings. The
problem is with Spybot, not IE, unless you haven't been keeping IE
updated, in which case your problem is operator error. As she says in
her second paragraph, "You can safely ignore these reports."

Why not fix it at the source? Open Spybot, click on Mode -> Advanced
mode. Then click on Settings, at the bottom left corner, followed by
Ignore products. Find DSO Exploit in the list, and put a check mark in
the box.


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