[patriots] Re: picture of MH17 Number

  • From: Colin <colin.gardom@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: patriots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2014 23:06:24 +0100

The war machine isn't making enough money and WW3 seems to be their idea of pumping money back into it. The elite own just about everything or can gain access to it, so what good money is to them if the rest of the world can no longer spend money back into their very system is anybodies business.

They're just plain insane the lot of them and should be hung.

But it's not about money, it's about power, the power to lord it over the people digging through their trash for scraps.
They think they can be Gods, but they're deluding themselves.

If they keep it up we'll all be dead or glowing like a readybreak kid.

On 07/09/14 22:49, Dianne Carr wrote:
<http://infowars.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=507a134f1f975eaeabbd7d266&id=7f3b4502c9&e=446dc696d2> Corporate media scoffs at possibility CIA had something to do with downing MH17 <http://infowars.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=507a134f1f975eaeabbd7d266&id=20fb7e1d9b&e=446dc696d2>
/Operation Northwoods just another kooky conspiracy theory/

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