[patriots] Video of woman being assaulted by Sheriffs

  • From: john TIMBRELL <johntimbrell@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "patriots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <patriots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 06:13:44 +0000

Annette circulated the roundup thing. Also on the site is this video of illegal
child snatching which involves an assault on the mother.
I state illegal because the first the mother heard that her child was being
removed was when the authorities came to take the child. Even if there was a
legal warrant, which I doubt, it must have been done in secret. It's happening
in the UK.
Anyone heard of any politician discussing this or paedophilia in parliament.?

From: annette-rose-smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: patriots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; rayspost@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [patriots] FW: Study: RoundUp Causes Cell Death to Human Placenta
Cells at Levels Allowed in Drinking Water
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 23:11:19 +0100

To: annette-rose-smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: editor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:17:11 -0400
Subject: Study: RoundUp Causes Cell Death to Human Placenta Cells at Levels
Allowed in Drinking Water

Mailer 04a

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

Study: RoundUp Causes Cell Death to Human Placenta Cells at Levels Allowed in
Drinking Water

2015-04-18 09:58:09-04

Roundup is an endocrine disruptor and is toxic to human cells in vitro (tested
in culture dishes in the laboratory) at levels permitted in drinking water in
Australia, a new study has found.

This is the first study to examine the effects of glyphosate and Roundup on
progesterone production by human female cells in an in vitro system that models
key aspects of reproduction in women.

Glyphosate alone was less toxic to human cells than glyphosate in a Roundup
formulation; both glyphosate and Roundup caused chorioplacental JAr cell death
which resulted in decreased progesterone levels – a form of hormone/endocrine
disruption. Endocrine disruption did not precede the toxicity to cells but
occurred after it. The decreases in progesterone concentrations were caused by
reduced numbers of viable cells.


Federal Government to Monitor Weight and Collect Data on Children in Daycare

2015-04-18 16:46:23-04

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that bureaucrats from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) will weigh and measure children in daycare as
part of a study mandated by First Lady Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free
Kids Act.

Will this data be used by medical professionals as another way to medically
kidnap children if they do not measure up to government standards for growth
and weight, or are not eating government-approved foods?


Texas Deputies Punch Pregnant War Veteran Woman While CPS Takes Her Child

2015-04-19 21:11:27-04

Deanna Robinson-Katsuki is a decorated Air Force Veteran, who once received the
Airman’s Medal for helping drag soldiers from a burning plane in Iraq. Yet
Deanna recently came under an investigation by Texas Child Protection Services,
who arrived at Deanna's parents' home with Sheriff deputies from Hunt County.
Deanna is also 9 months pregnant.

What followed was partially recorded by a home security camera, which showed
Sheriff deputies repeatedly punching her in the stomach, because she did not
want them to remove her 18 month old son. The video has gone viral, and has
been viewed over 400,000 times already.


CPS Destroying Rengo Family: Demands Erica Separate from her Husband to Get
Children Back

2015-04-20 13:37:14-04

It has been more than three months since the dramatic arrest and capture of
Erica and Cleave's 3 small children by CPS, where Erica shouted to reporters:
"Send a message to America for me. Children don’t belong to the government. The
government belongs to the people."

After a period of media silence, Erica has reached out to the media. She says
that the tyranny against her family is continuing, and she is exposing what she
is calling "enslavement" by the system. The latest developments are that Erica
and Cleave have been forced to separate as a condition to getting the children
back, and the children are allegedly being medically abused while in state
foster care.


Glyphosate Is Spreading Like A Cancer Across The U.S.

2015-04-20 15:13:20-04

American growers sprayed 280 million pounds of glyphosate on their crops in
2012, according to U.S. Geological Survey data. That amounts to nearly a pound
of glyphosate for every person in the country.

The use of glyphosate on farmland has skyrocketed since the mid-1990s, when
biotech companies introduced genetically engineered crop varieties (often
called GMOs) that can withstand being blasted with glyphosate. Since then,
agricultural use of the herbicide has increased 16-fold.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, Monsanto’s widely used weed
killer, which according to the World Health Organization is “probably
carcinogenic to humans.”


Gardasil Vaccine Promoted To 12-Year Old Boys To Double The Market

2015-04-21 09:55:29-04

What's the best way to attract new patients for a vaccine heavily marketed to
only girls? Why open up the market to boys of course. The HPV vaccine is
possibly the biggest vaccine hoax in the last century being nothing more than a
worldwide exercise in profiteering at the expense of children's health. Another
massively flawed study (basically routine for the HPV vaccine) will give
Gardasil manufacturer, Merck & Co. the green light to once again create a
vaccine awareness campaign on the pretext that it prevents mouth and throat

There are truthfully no safe vaccines, however the HPV vaccine is one of the 5
vaccines I strongly recommend to avoid. It is perhaps the one vaccine based on
the most misrepresented data and unproven assumptions.


Study: Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs Worsen Coronary Calcium Tests

2015-04-21 12:35:01-04

Coronary artery calcification has been found to be associated with
cardiovascular events. In other words, there are more cardiovascular events
when there is a higher coronary artery calcification score. The coronary
calcium score can be measured with a coronary CT scan or a coronary
intravascular ultrasound scan. Coronary scans are frequently ordered by
cardiologists and primary care physicians. If the coronary calcium score on the
CT is elevated, the doctor is most likely to prescribe a statin medication. You
might think that a statin medication, if it was effective at treating and
preventing heart disease, would be shown to decrease coronary calcium burden.
Well, you would think wrong.

Statin drugs are the most profitable drugs in the history of Big Pharma.
Presently, over 28% of all U.S. adults take a statin drug. Statins are
prescribed by doctors to treat high cholesterol levels and heart disease.
Furthermore, the Powers-That-Be proclaim that statins will prevent a healthy
person from getting heart disease.

Remember, just because the Powers-That-Be continue to make the above statements
does not make them true.


Years After Medical Kidnapping, Woman Claims She Was Not Victim of Munchausen
or Abuse by Mother

2015-04-21 14:19:54-04

It was a heartbreaking case that ripped a 9-year-old girl from her South
Florida family and sent her mother to prison for years.

Exactly 19 years ago... Jennifer Bush was placed in state care amid allegations
that her mother, Kathy Bush, was deliberately making her ill in an unusual —
and some say now discredited — form of child abuse called Munchausen Syndrome
by Proxy.

After shunning attention for years, Jennifer Bush is publicly defending her mom
for the first time and agreed to release a written statement this week and
answer a few, limited follow-up questions from the Sun Sentinel.

"Jennifer made it very clear: She thinks her mother never abused her," said
Fort Lauderdale lawyer Robert Buschel, who defended Kathy Bush in her criminal


How Can Homeopathy Be Both a Useless Placebo and Dangerous at the Same Time?

2015-04-22 08:28:34-04

The FDA wrapped up a two-day hearing this week on whether or not homeopathic
remedies should be regulated like drugs. Listening to critics of homeopathy try
to justify why they don't think the American public should have free access to
homeopathic remedies is rather comical. The two dominant criticisms are
antithetical to each other, and both of them cannot be true. Critics complain
that due to a lack of regulation homeopathic remedies are dangerous, but then
they turn around and say that homeopathic remedies are simply sugar pills, and
no better than a placebo.

Both cannot be true.

Is this the new standard of scientific scrutiny that federal agencies are using
to supposedly protect the public?

The FDA is clearly not concerned about homeopathic remedies because they are a
danger to the public. There are no deaths associated with homeopathic remedies,
and very few side effects. By contrast, FDA-approved drugs have millions of
adverse side effects, including over 100,000 deaths each year.

Homeopathic remedies are a danger to the FDA's monopoly on drugs, and so they
clearly want to either eliminate the competition, or get in on the action and
take over the market.


Physician-Senator Continues Push to Make Oregon a Medical Police State

2015-04-22 15:51:00-04

Oregon Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward is at it again. In February, Senator
Hayward (who is a physician) introduced a bill to take away the right to
informed consent and vaccine choice and mandate vaccines for all children
statewide. The bill was vehemently opposed by her constituents in the state,
and made national headlines. The bill was withdrawn as it did not have enough
support in the State Legislature.

Now, she has introduced a new bill, SB895, which would require schools to
publish vaccination exemption rates by disease and get parents granted
exemptions in the past to either consult their doctor or watch an educational
video about the decision against vaccinating. This new bill passed the Senate
Education Committee this week on a 4-3 party-line vote with Democrats in favor.

Opposition from an informed constituent base that includes attorneys and
physicians apparently means nothing to Dr. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, who
believes the entire state should be coerced into accepting her view, even
though her first bill was overwhelmingly defeated. She's seems absolutely
determined to make Oregon into a medical police state.


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  • » [patriots] Video of woman being assaulted by Sheriffs - john TIMBRELL