[patriots] FW: Panorama and the BBC Cover-up of Child Abuse

  • From: annette rose smith <annette-rose-smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "patriots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <patriots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 23:21:54 +0100

From: nickchance@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: news24@xxxxxxxxx; today@xxxxxxxxx; bbchw@xxxxxxxxx;
newsnightinvestigations@xxxxxxxxx; daily.politics@xxxxxxxxx;
lizzie.lane@xxxxxxxxx; tony.hall@xxxxxxxxx; questiontime@xxxxxxxxx;
catherine.miller@xxxxxxxxx; news@xxxxxxxxxxxx; news@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
dtnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; news@xxxxxxx
Subject: Panorama and the BBC Cover-up of Child Abuse
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:05:31 +0000

The UKColumn is alone in exposing serious sexual and physical abuse of
youngsters at Oxford and Cherwell Valley College - now hurredly and expensively
renamed Activate Learning.Despite multiple victims, corroberating evidence and
statements, and a brave Asian tutor who first exposed the abuse of white
children by white men, the whole matter was covered up by OCVC staff, Oxford
City and County Councils, Oxfordshire Safeguarding, Ofsted, Thames Valley
Police and others.The sickening child abuses were also covered-up by the BBC
after a reporter, Nicola Stanbridge of Radio 4, made contact with the UK Column
and showed great interest in investigating.Having arranged for her to examine
documentary evidence and meet victims, Ms Stanbridge then abruptly cancelled
the meeting.Her initial excuse was that she had met all the authorities
perpetrating the cover-up and "well, they had 'explained' everything". Under
pressure she admitted she was pulled off the case.Ceri Thomas was then a senior
manager at Radio 4. Recused from the BBC's Pollard paedophile report, he was
later promoted to BBC News. He is now the head of BBC Panorama - the same
Panorama that has started an investigation and 'exposure' of alternative media
and activists working to expose child abuse. We understand the UK Column is
included.Did Ceri Thomas pull the BBC OCVC child abuse investigation? If not
who did?Alongside this article and recording, please read the excellent
Guardian article (yes I never thought I'd say it) exposing the demise of BBC
staff who tried to expose the dark work of the Savile paedophiles in the BBC -
The Sinister treatment of dissent at the BBC.Listen to the call with Nicola

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  • » [patriots] FW: Panorama and the BBC Cover-up of Child Abuse - annette rose smith