[passtartoursgroup] Morris K Udall school on Feb 7

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:54:57 -0700

Good morning Star Tours Group,

Remember, you can not reply to this list, so send a reply to
Events@xxxxxxxxx, thanks.

Sara, our contact person at this school wants an invoice. And she wanted it
Friday, but I didn't see her request until this morning. I told her we have
3 scopes and Mike attending her event so far. She doesn't have a scope
To make the invoice now would be for $100 in a check to PAS, to cover 4
scopes (Mike is a scope).
I asked her to give me till Wednesday to pin down more telescopes for her
event. If she declines that option, then the 4 who are signed up now, will
do this event and no more will be approved, unless they are volunteers.
meaning no reimbursement for gas.

So, if you want to get in on this event, please RSVP right now, and drop me
an email Events@xxxxxxxxx and let's get you on the list. I didn't know we
were going to be closing the RSVP this soon. I usually don't do that until
about 2 days before the event, unless we reach our total number of
attending scopes requested by the school.

Here's the link to the private calendar.

Let's get more scopes out to this location, if possible.

Terri, Event Coordinator for PAS

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
Visit the P.A.S. Blog <http://pasaz-digest.blogspot.com/> & My
Visit my Music Page:  <http://betterfly.com/pro/musicbyterri>Private Music
Instructor <http://betterfly.com/pro/musicbyterri>

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  • » [passtartoursgroup] Morris K Udall school on Feb 7 - Terri