[overture] Re: data overflow

  • From: Bill Henshaw <henshaw@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 15:01:37 -0700

Hi Petr:

Overture is compiled in double precision by default so a realArray is an array of doubles.

To avoid too many temporaries you should can use the lower level "coefficients" functions that directly fill
in the coefficient matrix: (see tcm3.C for e.g.)

If you need to form more complicated coefficient operators you may still need one temporary array to
store intermediate results such as in (see Oges.C : )
          realSerialArray yyCoeff(M,Ib1,Ib2,Ib3);
op[grid].assignCoefficients(MappedGridOperators::yyDerivative,yyCoeff,Ib1,Ib2,Ib3,0,0); // coeff[grid](M,Ib1,Ib2,Ib3)+=op[grid].yyCoefficients(Ib1,Ib2,Ib3)(M,Ib1,Ib2,Ib3); // add p.yy on axis
          coeffLocal(M,Ib1,Ib2,Ib3)+=yyCoeff;   // add p.yy on axis

For bigger systems (like the Navier-Stokes) we will directly fill in the coefficient matrix (in fortran usually) using macros but this is not so easy to explain. You also might be able to follow the tcmge.C example I sent out previously to fill in the coefficient matrix "by hand" if you know the coefficients.

I hope that helps.


Petr Hotmar wrote:
I would like to understand better if and how I can control filling of coefficient matrices and prevent generation of any additional unwanted arrays. Any ideas on how to modify the 'high-level' interface so as to increase memory efficiency?

Having 140,000 grid points, 3D and 4 variables, I would expect the coefficient matrix (of floats) to be ~ 240MB. However, coeff.setIsACoefficientMatrix consumes 0.4GB and the subsequent filling (coeff=xCoefficients(...) etc.), specifically the scalar assignment

#0 doubleMappedGridFunction::operator= (this=0xad7fa68, x=0) at doubleMappedGridFunction.C:2779 #1 0x011cbceb in GenericCompositeGridOperators::yCoefficients (this=0xbff94e80, C1=@0xbff98460, C2=@0xbff9844c, C3=@0x839e770, C4=@0x839e770) at GenericCompositeGridOperators.C:564,

consumes my remaining 2GB (?!) of RAM, crashing with HEAP ERROR. Can I prevent this? Also, are the doubles being used instead of floats (the error mentions MDI_double_Allocate)?

Thank you,


On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Petr Hotmar <petr.hotmar@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:petr.hotmar@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Data overflow
    I'm solving a system of two simple Helmholtz equations on a single
    rectangular 3D grid using coefficient matrices. After relatively
    mild refinement of the grid (from 20x20x20 to 50x50x50 grid
    lines), the
    code crashes upon filling coeffs for interior points
    (coeff=op.laplacianCoefficients(0,0)+...) with:
    HEAP ERROR: Array_Data_Pointer == NULL in double*
MDI_double_Allocate (Size = 79361856)!
    I understand the matrix is stored in sparse format, so I would
    assume the size of the problem to be still manageable even in the
    serial environment.

    Any ideas greatly welcome,


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