[overture] Re: The boundary condition problem for c++ code

  • From: Bill Henshaw <henshaw@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 11:41:50 -0800

Dear Justin,
Please see the documentation for the operators and boundary conditions, op.pdf,
(from the Overture web page) for a description how boundary conditions are


021810 zmh wrote:
Dear everyone,
I am doing the PDE on primer and I found that the boundary condition can be done by the function: boundaryCondition(). There are two parameters for that function: side and axis, the value for side and axis can be done as (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) and (1,1). these mean the choosing of the x direction (or Y direction) and the left side (or right side).
But I am thinking now what is the content for this function: boundaryCondition()? fully understanding of this function is very useful to control the complicate boundary condition in primer. If just a simple case, take U(boundary)=0 for example, we can use the Dirichlet command to solve it (mappedGridExample5). If someone knows how to get the content of the boundary condition(), hope you can help me. Best wishes for you! Justin

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