[overture] Re: Problem of Overture installation on Mac

  • From: Bill Henshaw <henshaw@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 20:14:31 -0800

Hi Chuanxi,

  I am not an expert on the Mac (although I just got one) but it may
be that the problem is related to 32bit versus 64bit -- the loader
does not like some of the object files so maybe some files were
compiled as 32 bit but the loader is using 64 bit?  I had a similiar
error when I tried using a version of gfortran that did not match my
version of gcc.  I am using gcc 4.3.2 on the mac (snow leopard) and you may 
want to
use macports to install this version for you.


Chuanxi Wang wrote:
There Bill,

I am a new user of Overture, and I tried once to install Overture on my Macbook. It was a success. But this time when I am following the same procedure, and tried to help my colleague to install it, it somehow failed. I used the command as following: "./configure darwin precision=double CC=g++ cc=gcc FC=gfortran debugFlag=-DBL_AUTO_INSTANTIATE useHDF5". Here is the error message that I got:

r - ../static/GLwDrawA.o
r - ../static/GLwMDrawA.o
r - ../static/OvertureInit.o
r - ../static/RapsodiInit.o
r - ../static/ReferenceCounting.o
r - ../static/initOvertureGlobalVariables.o
r - ../static/initStaticMappingVariables.o
r - ../static/memoryUsage.o
r - ../static/mogl.o
r - ../static/xColours.o
r - ../boxlib/AliasedDPtr.o
r - ../boxlib/ArithFab.o
r - ../boxlib/Box.o
r - ../boxlib/BoxArray.o
r - ../boxlib/BoxAssoc.o
r - ../boxlib/BoxDomain.o
r - ../boxlib/BoxLib.o
r - ../boxlib/BoxList.o
r - ../boxlib/FArrayBox.o
r - ../boxlib/FPC.o
r - ../boxlib/FabConv.o
r - ../boxlib/IndexType.o
r - ../boxlib/IntVect.o
r - ../boxlib/MultiFab.o
r - ../boxlib/OrderedFab.o
r - ../boxlib/Orientation.o
r - ../boxlib/ParmParse.o
r - ../boxlib/Utility.o
r - ../boxlib/aString.o
ranlib: file: libOverture_static.a(AliasedDPtr.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: libOverture_static.a(Pointers.o) has no symbols
ranlib libOverture_static.a
ranlib: file: libOverture_static.a(AliasedDPtr.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: libOverture_static.a(Pointers.o) has no symbols
ld: warning: in /sw/lib/libXm.dylib, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in /sw/lib/libhdf5.dylib, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in /sw/lib/libjpeg.dylib, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in /Users/jamestamashiro/Overture/A++P++-0.7.9d/gcc-4.4/A++/install/lib/libApp.a, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in /Users/jamestamashiro/Overture/A++P++-0.7.9d/gcc-4.4/A++/install/lib/libApp_static.a, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignBoundaryConditions.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignCornersOpt.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignOptADotGradU.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignOptGenDiv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignOptNeumann.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignOptNormalComponent.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/assignOptNormalDer.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/coeff.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/derivativeScalarDerivativeNC.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/div.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/divScalarGradCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/divScalarGradCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/divScalarGradNC.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/dsg.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/dsg2.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/dsg3.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/dsgc4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/dsgc6.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/dsgr.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/extrapolateOpt.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/findInterpolationNeighbours.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/fixBCOptEdge1.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/fixBCOptEdge2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/fixBCOptEdge3.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/fixBCOptVerticies.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/identityCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/identityCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/initExplicitInterp.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/interpOpt.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/interpOptFull.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/interpOptSP.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/interpOptTP.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/laplaceNC.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/laplacianCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/laplacianCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/laplacianFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/ncarfft.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/normOpt.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/opcoeff.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rrCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rrCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rsCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rsCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rtCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/rtCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/sCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/sCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/ssCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/ssCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/stCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/stCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/standardDerivative.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/tCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/tCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/ttCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/ttCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xxCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xxCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xxFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xyCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xyCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xyFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xzCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xzCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/xzFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yyCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yyCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yyFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yzCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yzCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/yzFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/zCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/zCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/zFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/zzCoeff2.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/zzCoeff4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridFunction/zzFDeriv.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/cggpoly.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/cs.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/dpm.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/ellipticSmooth.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/ingrid.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/nurbs_eval.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/r1mach.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/strtch.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Mapping/tspack.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/cgesl1234.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/cgesnull.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/csort.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/ma28a.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/ma28dd.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/slapFiles.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/spsor.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/xersla.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Oges/yalesp.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../GridGenerator/interpCoarseFromFine.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../GridGenerator/interpFineFromCoarse.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Ogshow/cggi.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../Ogshow/isosurf.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../mapUtil/blas2.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../mapUtil/drmach.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../mapUtil/linpack.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/fortranInputOutput.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/pentaDiagonal.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyEvaluate1D.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyEvaluate2D.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyEvaluate3D.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction1D.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction2D.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction2D5.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction2D6.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction3D.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction3D4.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction3D5.o, file is not of required architecture ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/polyFunction3D6.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: warning: in ../otherStuff/prtpeg.o, file is not of required architecture
ld: in /Users/jamestamashiro/Overture/Overture.v23/lib/libOverture_static.a, file too small
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [libso_date] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
touch lib_date
make: *** [all] Error 2

I though it might be that I didn't have proper system environment setup so that Overture does not know where to find the libraries. Do you have any clue about this?

I also attach my configuration files:
$Overture/envsetup_bash    &   $Overture/config/MakeDefs.darwin

Thank you so much.


Chuanxi Wang
Graduate Student
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
University of Southern California

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